Elective courses allow you the freedom to tailor your program toward your personal or professional interests.
School of Creative Industries
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
- CMN101 Information Systems in Organisations
- CMN102 Accounting Principles
- CMN103 World of Work: Your Pathway to Employment
- CMN104 Marketing Essentials
- CMN105 Economics for Business
- CMN106 Discovering Management
- CMN107 The World of Tourism, Leisure and Events
- CMN108 Professional Health Communication
- CMN116 Research Foundations for Health Practice
- CMN117 Contexts of practice: child, youth and family
- CMN120 Introductory Bioscience
- CMN130 Practice Foundations
- CMN140 Health, Culture and Society
- CMN150 Anatomy and Physiology
- EGL120 Contexts of Practice: Complex Care
- FSH100 Introduction to Criminology
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- CMN200 Foundations of Australian Law A
- CMN201 Foundations of Australian Law B
- CMN202 Punishment and Corrections
- CMN203 Marketing in a Global Environment
- CMN204 Innovation Management and Professional Development
- CMN213 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
- CMN224 Leading and Managing Organisations
- CMN226 Evidenced Based Decision Making
- CMN228 Finance and Accounting for Managers
- CMN231 Introductory Bioscience
- CMN235 Introduction to Dietetics
- CMN237 Science Research Methods
- CMN240 Think Health
- CMN246 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
- CMN247 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science
- CMN252 Foundations of Sustainability
- CMN260 Human Physiology
- CMN266 Food in Society
- CMN276 Public Health Foundations
- CMN277 Chemistry
- CMN300 Integrated Physiology
- CMN302 Biochemistry
- CMN303 Food Studies
- CMN304 Principles of Nutrition
- CMN305 Medical Genetics
- CMN308 Nutrition Assessment
- CMN309 Public Health Nutrition
- CMN311 Nutritional Biochemistry
- CMN312 Pathophysiology
- CMN313 Medical Nutrition Therapy 1
- CMN314 Nutrition and Dietetics Research Proposal
- CMN315 Nutrition Communication
- CMN316 Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- CMN317 Advanced Public Health Nutrition
- CMN320 Medical Nutrition Therapy 2
- CMN330 Food Service Systems
- DES200 Counselling and Communication Skills for Dietetics
- DES204 Nutrition and Dietetic Skills
- DES205 Nutrition and Dietetics Placement 1
- DES206 Food Service Placement
- DES211 Community and Public Health Nutrition
- DES212 Nutrition and Dietetic Practice Management
- DES221 Nutrition and Dietetics Thesis
- DES222 Discovering Management
- DES231 Marketing Essentials
- DES232 Introduction to Psychology A
- DES303 Research Methods and Analysis 1
- DES304 Accounting Principles
- DES305 Economics for Business
- DES306 Introduction to Psychology B
- DES307 Business Law
- DES308 Physiological Psychology
- JPN210 Introduction to Creative Entrepreneurship
- JPN211 Creativity and Communication
- JPN212 Introduction to the Creative Industries
- JPN300 Introduction to Media and Communication Industries
- JPN301 The Illuminated Screen: Introduction to Film and Television Studies
- JPN310 Contemporary Communication Theory and Trends
- JPN311 Introduction to Professional Communication
- INT202 Issues in Social Media
- SGD200 Grammars of Design
- SGD202 Visual Storytelling
- SGD211 Fundamentals of Photography
- SGD213 Art, Design and Visual Culture
- SGD214 Introduction to Design and Concept
- SGD230 Design in Application
- SGD240 Drawing Practice
- SGD304 Acting 1: The actor's craft
- SGD305 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre
- SGD321 The ' English' Tradition: An Introduction to Literary Studies
- LNG210 Intro to Songwriting and Production
School of Education
School of Health and Sport Sciences
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- MLS211 Global Communication
- NUT201 Communication Research
- NUT203 Social Media Internship
- NUT205 Social Media Management
- NUT212 Creative Writing and Editing for Publication
- NUT232 Newsroom
- NUT301 Design Futures
- NUT310 Photographic Practice
- NUT315 Photographic Practice in Creative Industries
- NUT401 The Photographic Portfolio
- NUT402 Visual Identity
- NUT404 Visual Communication & Meaning
- NUT405 Introduction to Interaction & UX Design
- PUB205 Augmented Reality Design
- PUB210 Directing Performance: Contemporary Perspectives
- PUB252 Physical Theatre
- PUB262 Theatre Production
- PUB271 Acting 2: Contemporary Shakespeare
- PUB272 Devising Performance
- PUB351 Reality Bites: An Exploration of Non-Fiction
- PUB361 Imagined Homelands: An Exploration of Australian Literature
- SPX201 Reading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Writing
- SPX202 Wonderworlds: An Exploration of Theory and Fiction
- SPX203 Indonesian C
- SPX211 Indonesian D
- SPX221 Indonesian E
- SPX222 Indonesian F
- SPX231 Italian C
- SPX301 Italian D
- SPX302 Italian E
- SPX306 Italian F
- SPX312 Japanese C
- SPX322 Japanese D
- SPX331 About Japan: Current Perspectives
- SPX371 In-country Japanese Studies A
- SRP301 In-country Japanese Studies B †
- SRP321 Japanese E †
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- HLT301 Video Game Analysis and Design
School of Science and Engineering
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- CIV201 Geotechnical Engineering
- ENG211 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- ENG212 Structural Engineering
- MEC200 Thermodynamics
- MEC205 Dynamics 1
- MEC221 Mechanics of Materials
- MEC225 Engineering Materials
- MEC226 Manufacturing Technology
- MEC227 Mechanical Design 1
- CIV301 Road and Traffic Engineering
- ENG302 Engineering Project Management
- ENG304 Engineering Research Methodology
- ENG312
- CIV330 Engineering Hydrology
- CIV340 Construction Technology
- MEC300 Mechanical Design 2
- MEC301 Materials Technology
- MEC302 Thermofluids 2
- MEC303 Computational Mechanics
- MEC335 Production Engineering
- MEC336 Engineering System Design
- ENG402 Engineering Project 2
- ENG411 Reservoir and Stormwater Engineering
- ENG412 Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems
- ENG421 Design of Water Supply Systems
- MEC400 Thermofluids 3
- MEC405 Advanced Dynamics and Control
- ENS204 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- ENS213 Invertebrate Biology and Ecology
- ENS221 Plant Diversity and Ecology
- ENS222 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology
- ENS223 Environmental Impact Assessment
- ENS224 Soil Properties, Processes and Rehabilitation
- ENS242 Weather and Climate
- ENS253 Geographic Information Science and Technology
- ENS254 Earth Observation: Remote Sensing and Surveying
- ENS281
- ENS282 Coastal and Marine Ecology
- ENS300 Environmental Economics
- ENS305 Environmental Chemistry
- ENS316 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- ENS317 Coastal Conservation Planning
- ENS318 Plant Growth and Reproduction
- ENS321 Restoration Ecology
- ENS323 Agricultural and Forest Ecology
- ENS324 Advanced Genetics
- ENS325 Population Ecology and Genetics
- ENS330 K'gari Field Studies
- ENS333 Special Field Studies Topic
- ENS351 Integrated Environmental Management
- ENS353 Applied Geospatial Analysis
- ENS371 Sustainable Aquaculture
- LFS252 Molecular Biology
School of Social Sciences
Introductory level electives
(100 coded)
- SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability - Investigating Planetary Health
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- COU265 Strengths Based Counselling: Collaborative Approaches
- ENP200 Industry Project 1: Urban Design and Town Planning Studies
- ENP211 Planning and Environmental Law
- ENP236 Regional Transformation: political and economic geographies
- ENP245 Landscapes, Place and People
- ENP255 Public Space Planning and Design - Studio II
- ENP336 Strategic Infrastructure Planning
- ENP355 Neighbourhood Planning and Design - Studio III
- ENP365 Participation and Conflict Resolution
- ENP411 Advanced Planning Policy and Practice
- HIS200 Heritage: Australian and Global Contexts
- HIS201 The uses and abuses of history
- HIS210 Explorations in Environmental History
- HIS240 History of Nationalism and National Identity: 18th Century and Beyond
- HIS300 Questioning History: Explorations in the Thinking and Practice of History
- HIS320 Research Project in History
- PSY200 Research Methods in Psychology A
- PSY201 Research Methods in Psychology B
- PSY202 Physiological Psychology
- PSY203 Introduction to Human Development
- PSY204 Social Psychology
- PSY205 Motivation and Emotion
- PSY300 Advanced Methods in Psychology
- PSY301 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology
- PSY302 Intercultural and Indigenous Psychologies
- PSY303 Personality and Assessment
- PSY304 Human Associative Learning
- PSY305 Psychological Disorders
- PSY306 Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
- PSY307 Adult Development and Ageing
USC Business School
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- ICT211 Database Design
- ICT220 Wireless Communications
- ICT221 Object-Oriented Programming
- ICT301 Network Management and Security
- ICT310 Systems Analysis and Design
- ICT311 Mobile App Development
- ICT320 Database Programming
- ICT321 Architecture and Systems Integration
- ICT341 ICT Internship
- ICT342 ICT Industry Project
- ICT351 ICT Professional Practice
- ICT352 Project Management
- PED310
- PED311
- PED312
- PED320
- PED321
- PED322
- TSM200 Creating and Managing Event Experiences
- TSM223 Sustainable Tourism, Leisure and Event Management
- TSM300 Tourism, Sport and Leisure Policy and Planning
- TSM313 The Innovation and Technology Effect in TLEM
- TSM315 Running Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (M.I.C.E) industry events
School of Law and Criminology
Developing and Graduate level electives
(200, 300 or 400 coded)
- ACC220 Law of Business Associations
- CRM201 Criminal Profiling & Intelligence
- CRM203 Homicide, Investigations & Forensic Science
- CRM204 Applied Crime Prevention
- CRM205 Criminal Law
- CRM206 Professional Development
- CRM302 Youth Justice & Restorative Justice
- CRM304 Professional Ethics and Integrity Management
- CRM307 Crime Research Methods
- CRM308 Diversity, Crime and Justice
- CRM309 Working with Victims and Offenders
- CRM310 Introduction to Cyber Crime
- BUS203 Business Law
- JST202 International Justice and Human Rights
- LGL301 Professional Practice: Legal Frameworks and Issues