ENG212 Structural Engineering | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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ENG212 Structural Engineering

In this course you will learn about the design philosophy adopted by the Australian Standards. You will develop the capacity to use design codes to determine the appropriate types of loads and combinations of loads for service and ultimate limit state designs. You will learn to relate the code requirements to the physical behaviour of elements and assemblages and to apply your knowledge of structural analysis and understanding of materials to design fundamental steel and timber structural members and simple structures. You also learn to design structures for stability (bracing).

Course detail

(ENG221 OR MEC221) and enrolled in Program SC410, SC425, AB101, UU301 or XU301
CIV2503(USQ equivalent course)
Semester of offer Subject to change
Not currently offered
Tuition fee
3.2:Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies
Census date
Academic Calendar
Class timetable
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Course outline

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Students enrolled in this course should check the course Canvas site to ensure that they are accessing the most recent approved version of the course outline.