MTH301 Reading in Advanced Mathematics | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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MTH301 Reading in Advanced Mathematics

This course enables you to pursue studies in an advanced mathematical or statistical topic. In consultation with the Course Coordinator and your supervisor, you will prepare (and submit for approval) a completed study plan with detailed descriptions of the assessment activities as negotiated. The course material will support your learning of discipline based knowledge and skills, and give you in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular area of interest. Pre-requisite coursework will be determined from advanced courses as appropriate.

Course detail

Course Coordinator Consent Required and (MTH202 or MTH104) and MTH212
Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1, Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1, Semester 2
Tuition fee
2.1:Mathematics, Education, Language, Literature, Clinical Psych
Census date
Academic Calendar
Class timetable
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Course outline

View the current course outline for this course

Students enrolled in this course should check the course Canvas site to ensure that they are accessing the most recent approved version of the course outline.