Right to information | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Right to information

What is Right to Information (RTI)?

The Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) gives you the right to apply for documents held by the University. Right to Information is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information. This right is subject to limitations, including where information would be exempt or contrary to the public interest to release.

Accessing information

You can access information held by the University through:

Before making a formal application, please check if the information is available through our publication scheme, disclosure log, or administrative access scheme.
All requests to access information should be directed in the first instance to the University’s RTI/Privacy Officer using the ‘Contact us’ details.

To find out about information privacy and how to correct your personal information, please visit our Privacy page.

Further information on how the University manages its information can be found in our Policy and Procedures.

Administrative access scheme

Requests for your personal information and non-personal information will be handled administratively and proactively, wherever possible, and without the need for a formal application. Fees and charges do not apply to documents released administratively.

How to lodge
  1. Submit your request to the University's RTI/Privacy Officer by email or post with a description of the specific personal information you are seeking.
  2. Submit proof of your identity and, when applicable, proof of the identity of any person acting on your behalf with your authority for personal information requests.

Please note that some personal information may be deemed too sensitive to release under our administrative access scheme. For information not available through our administrative access scheme, a formal application can be made.

Publication scheme

Our publication scheme gives the public access to a broad range of non-personal information held by the University about its operations and activities. This is routinely available through channels such as our website, printed and electronic publications, public lectures, and events. This is grouped into seven classes of information that reflect the main functions of the University.

3. Our finances
4. Our priorities

Documents in PDF format or accessible text versions are available for key University publications such as Ignite magazine and the Annual Report.


Copies are also available on request for:

If any of the information sources listed above are not available, please contact the University’s RTI/Privacy Officer.

No charges are issued for these materials.

Formal application

A formal application can request:

Fees and charges may apply for formal applications, in accordance with the RTI Act.

If you are unable to apply, another person can apply on your behalf with your authority.

How to apply
  1. Download and complete the application form - Right to Information and Information Privacy Access Application (PDF 208KB).
  2. Submit your application* to the University's RTI/Privacy Officer by email or post and for requests to access:
  • Non-personal information:
    1. Pay the application fee.
  • Personal information:
    1. Submit proof of your identity and where applicable, proof of the identity of any person acting on your behalf with your authority.
What is a Valid application

For your application to be valid it must:

  • be on the approved form,
  • provide sufficient information concerning the document/s to enable the University to identify the document/s you seek access to,
  • state an address, to which notices may be sent,
  • state whether access is sought by the applicant, on the applicant’s behalf, or by another entity, and
  • have accompanying proof of identity and authority, or the application fee has been paid, whichever is applicable.
What happens next?

The University’s RTI/Privacy Officer will begin work to process your application within the processing period. We may contact you should additional information be required or to consult you on amending your application.

We will issue written Charges Estimate Notices (CEN) of the estimated total processing and/or access charges for your valid application*. This is payable upon issuance of the second and final CEN.

The result of your application will be issued in a ‘decision notice’. This will either grant and/or refuse you access to the document/s requested in your application. After we send you the decision notice, you can ask for a review of the decision if you don’t agree with the outcome.

Should the University not give you a decision by the end of the processing period we are deemed to have refused you access to all the documents applied for and you will be issued with a refund of the application fee.

Processing period

Applications must be processed within the timeframes set out in the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld). This is known as the ‘processing period’. This ends 25 business days from when the application is received. An additional 10 business days can be added to this should consultation with third parties be required.

We may also negotiate a further extension of time with you, prior to the end of the processing period if:

  • additional processing time is required due to the size or complexity of the application,
  • there are problems locating documents,
  • there is a backlog of applications.

Should your application not be valid, you must rectify it, or we must make a reviewable decision not to process it, by the end of the processing period.

Should you rectify the application, and it becomes valid*, the processing period will re-set. This means the University has another 25 business days to process the application. The processing period will pause when you are issued a Charges Estimate Notice (CEN) and recommences if you agree to the charges.

Fees and charges
What are the costs?

Please visit Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland’s (OICQ) page for the current fees and charges.

Fees and charges increase 1st July each year in line with the Government’s indexation policy. Applications received before the new fees and charges come into effect on 1st July each year will be charged at the previous rates.

Formal application

Non-personal information

Personal information

Application fee

Mandatory fee.

The fee cannot be waived and must be paid for the application to be valid*.

The fee can be refunded if a ‘deemed decision’ is made or the application is amended to a request for personal information.

No fee.

Processing charges

Cost varies, based on time spent processing your application.

  • Less than 5 hours – No charge.
  • More than 5 hours – Charged per 15 minutes or part of 15 minutes of the time spent working on the application (including the first five hours).

No charge.

Access charges

Cost varies, based on how you access the information.

Email or USB – No charge.

Black and white A4 photocopies – Charged per page.

Colour photocopies and other access types – Charged at cost.


How to pay

Fees and charges can be paid by card through our secure online payment platform.

We cannot accept cash payments, or card payments by email or phone. Should you wish to pay using another method, please contact the University’s RTI/Privacy Officer to request this.

Waiving charges

We can only waive processing and access charges. The application fee cannot be waived, even due to financial hardship.

We will waive the processing and access charges if the applicant is experiencing financial hardship, or if it is uneconomical for the University to charge.

Financial Hardship


Applicants must hold and present to us an accepted concession card. Read more on the Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland’s website - Applying for financial hardship as an individual.

Non-profit organisations 

Non-profit organisation (e.g. a charity, church or club) can apply for financial hardship status with the Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland (OICQ) - How to Apply for financial hardship – non-profits. 


To seek a refund, please contact the University’s RTI/Privacy Officer to request this. A refund will not be given should you be refused access to the information requested in your application.

Accessing document/s

Should you be granted access to document/s you must pay the charges issued to you before document/s are provided.

You have 40 business days from the date of the application decision to access the document/s (e.g., inspecting in person or via a temporary link). You can request additional time to access the documents. However, after this time entitlement to access will expire and a new application will be required.

Right of review

If you don’t agree with a reviewable decision, you have the right to request a review of the decision. There is no charge for this.

You can apply for an:

You will need to lodge your request for review within 20 business days following the date of the issuance of the reviewable decision.

This must be in writing and provide details of the decision for review, your name and an address where correspondence can be sent.

For more information, please read Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland's (OICQ) guideline: Explaining your review rights 

What are Reviewable decisions?

Reviewable decisions include: 

  • when we refuse access to a document or give access to a document with information redacted from it,
  • when we 'refuse to deal' with an application,
  • an access or processing charge being payable,
  • when an application is outside the scope of the Act or is not valid*,
  • disclosure of information over the objections of a third party or without consulting with a third party, and
  • providing access in a form different than you requested.

A full list of reviewable decisions is set out in the RTI and IP Acts.

Internal review

You may apply to University’s RTI/Privacy Officer if you are not satisfied with our initial decision on your application. This can be by email or post.

Another UniSC staff member, at the decision maker’s level or higher will make the decision on the review. You will be advised of the outcome within 20 business days from the date of your request for an internal review.

Should the University not give you a decision by the end of the internal review period the initial decision is deemed to be upheld. You may apply for an external review should you not agree with the internal review decision.

External review

You may apply to the Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland (OICQ) if:

  • you are not satisfied with our initial decision or, if applicable, internal review decision; or
  • we do not issue a decision notice within the processing period and have not sought your approval for an extension.

Apply by:

Online: Application

Email:  administration@oic.qld.gov.au

Post:    PO Box 10143, Adelaide Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000 

In person: Level 11, 53 Albert Street, Brisbane City, Qld, 4000


Email:   enquiries@oic.qld.gov.au

Tel:  +617 3234 7373

Disclosure log

Our Disclosure log lists a summary of non-personal information we’ve already released in response to formal applications made under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld), and is considered to be of significant interest to the wider public.

Documents which contain defamatory information, information that is unlawful to publish, which would breach an individual’s right to privacy or is confidential or contractually protected from disclosure cannot be placed on the Disclosure Log.


Proof of identity and authority

Proof of identity is required for personal information requests only. This can be made through the administrative access scheme or a formal application.

Applicants must provide a current certified copy of their identity. Should you wish to present the original copy of your identity, please contact the University’s RTI/Privacy Officer to request this to be arranged.

When someone is acting on behalf of the applicant they must provide:

  • evidence that they have current authority to act on your behalf,
  • a current certified copy of their proof of identity, and
  • a current certified copy of your proof of identity.

Visit the Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland’s (OICQ) page to find out the current valid forms of evidence of authority and identity.

Contact us

Applications, enquiries, and complaints should be directed to:

Email:       rti-privacy@usc.edu.au

Post:         RTI/Privacy Officer

ML22 (Insights and Analytics)

University of the Sunshine Coast
PO Box 5280

Tel:          +61 7 5456 3754

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* For PDF documents you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Download page.