Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010
- This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements
- Variations may be possible but should only be considered in consultation with the program adviser
- Students with credit from prior study should consult the program adviser for recommended enrolment
- Consult the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences course schedule to confirm when courses are offered
- Course offerings may change without notice
Major teaching area - Geography
Minors available: English, Mathematics or Science
Semester 2, 2010
EDU100 Learning and Teaching in the Practice Environment
EDU101 Advanced Health Assessment
GEO101 Health Promotion Principles
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Public Health Foundations
COR110 Leadership in Practice Development
COR111 Fundamentals of Midwifery Knowledge
Semester 1, 2011
EDU201 Independent Study
ENP100 Professional Internship
Plus select 1 course from:
COR109 Infant Care
COR110 e-Media A
COR111 e-Media B
Plus select 1 course for minor from:
EGL120 e-Media C(English minor)
LFS100 e-Media D(Science minor)
MTH101 Microbiology(Mathematics minor)
Semester 2, 2011
ENP245 Medical Microbiology
Plus select 1 course from:
ENP236 Microbial Pathogenesis
SCS211 Immunology **
Plus select 1 course for minor from:
CMN213 Molecular Biology(English minor)
MTH202 Becoming a Teacher(Mathematics minor)
SCI102 Learning about Learning(Science minor)
Plus select 1 elective course
May include any of the courses listed above or courses from any faculty (unless you are completing a Mathematics or Science minor in which case electives must be chosen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences).
Semester 1, 2012
ENS253 Introducing Human Geographies
Plus select 2 courses from:
ENP255 Communication and Thought
ENP336 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
ENS254 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
ENS351 Language and Literacies in Education
Plus select 1 course for minor from:
EDU307 Environmental and Planning Studies(English minor)
SCI105 Communication and Thought(Science minor)
SCI110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship(Mathematics minor)
Semester 2, 2012
EDU202 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
EDU210 The Text Files: An Introduction to Literary Studies
EDU220 Cell Biology
EDU221 Introduction to Mathematics
Semester 1, 2013
EDU301 Landscapes, place and people
EDU310 Rural and Regional Sustainability
EDU330 Green Justice: Environment and Social Issues
SCS130 Editing for the Communications Professional
Semester 2, 2013
Select 1 course from:
ENS353 Applied Geospatial Analysis
SCS211 **
Plus select 1 course for minor from:
EGL285(English minor)
MTH212 Discrete Mathematics(Mathematics minor)
Advanced Science course (Science minor)
Plus select 2 elective courses
May include any of the courses listed above or courses from any faculty (unless you are completing a Mathematics or Science minor in which case electives must be chosen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences).
Semester 1, 2014
Plus select 2 courses from:
EDU340 Teaching Reading and Writing
** SCS211 only available in session 6 (Winter) of each year.