Interested in criminal law and justice? Make a difference within the criminal justice system.
Put the law into context with this double degree. You'll have the opportunity to work in legal practice or across the related field of criminology. From your first year, you'll work with local legal practitioners at the Suncoast Community Legal Service assisting real clients with their legal problems — an opportunity not available anywhere else in Queensland. Elective courses Legal Internship and Law Clinic are offered to students in the later years of their studies.
Commences Semester 1, 2016
- Only a full-time option is available to international students on a Student visa. Online programs are not available to Student visa holders.
- * Estimated tuition fees are based on 2024 rates. Refer to international fees for more information.
- Not all majors/minors and elective options are available at every campus. You should refer to the What Can I Study tab, and the proposed study sequence for your chosen campus and intake for further information.
- # It is recommended that students planning to study part-time apply for the Bachelor of Laws rather than a double degree.
Only a full time option is available to international students studying on a Student visa. - * Commences Semester 1, 2016.
- # It is recommended that students planning to study part-time apply for the Bachelor of Laws rather than a double degree.
Only a full time option is available to international students studying on a Student visa. - * Commences Semester 1, 2016.
Put the law into context with this double degree. You'll have the opportunity to work in legal practice or across the related field of criminology. From your first year, you'll work with local legal practitioners at the Suncoast Community Legal Service assisting real clients with their legal problems — an opportunity not available anywhere else in Queensland. Elective courses Legal Internship and Law Clinic are offered to students in the later years of their studies.
The Criminology component will hone your focus to the causes and impacts of crime, and what works in reducing crime and improving justice from an applied social science perspective. You'll be prepared for real world challenges through guest lectures and opportunities for practical learning.
Completion of this program ensures you meet the academic requirements for admission as a legal practitioner in Australia. With a depth of knowledge and understanding in both law, and criminology and justice, graduates have extended career prospects.
Honours is available for high performing students.
Career opportunities
This double degree will be valuable for those graduates who intend to practise in criminal law. A broad range of career opportunities exist for graduates, in areas such as legal research, law reform research and policy development, advocacy, political advising; corruption and white collar crime investigations, prosecutions and crime prevention.
The degree is an approved academic qualification for admission to the legal profession. Graduates must undertake a further period of practical legal training before being admitted as a legal practitioner.
Program structure
USC Law School courses
Introductory courses (5)
COR109 Critical Social Theory: Power, Critique and Praxis
LAW101 Engaging effectively with culturally diverse people
LAW102 Collective Critical Practice: Developmental Approaches
LAW103 Critical Reflection: Practice and Research
LAW104 Advocacy and Leadership in Social Policy and Legal Contexts
Advanced courses (20)
14 required courses:
LAW201 Mental Health and Social Work
LAW202 Children, Youth and Families: Challenges, Critique and Change
LAW203 Social Work in Health and Mental Health
LAW204 Master of Social Work Field Education 1
LAW205 Master of Social Work Field Education 2
LAW206 Master of Social Work Field Education 1
LAW301 Master of Social Work Field Education 2
LAW302 Think Health
LAW303 Indigenous Wellbeing Foundations
LAW304 Introductory Bioscience
LAW401 Environment and Health
LAW402 Introduction to Behavioural Health
LAW403 Public Health Foundations
LAW404 Science Research Methods
PLUS select 6 elective courses from:
LAW305 Health Research and Evidence
LAW306 Workplace Learning I
LAW307 Workplace Learning II
LAW310 Children & the Law
LAW311 Law Professional Practice
LAW312 Competition and Consumer Law
LAW405 Legal Dispute Resolution
LAW406 Planning and Environment Law
LAW407 Wills, Estates and Elder Law
LAW408 Intellectual Property
LAW410 Public International Law
LAW412 International Human Rights Law
LAW414 Legal Internship
LAW415 Sports Law
The following 2 elective courses are only available to students who have been accepted into honours in Law:
LAW440 Honours Research Methods, Design and Confirmation
LAW441 Law Honours Thesis
Please note: Semester offerings for Law elective courses are subject to change and are dependent on student demand. For more information on elective availability please contact your Program Leaders.
Criminology courses
Introductory courses (6)
CRM101 Introduction to Criminology
CRM102 Understanding Crime
CRM103 Punishment and Corrections
CRM105 Policing
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
Advanced courses (5)
CRM204 Applied Crime Prevention
CRM304 Professional Ethics and Integrity Management
SCS225 Social Research
Elective courses (4)
Select 4 elective courses from either faculty (Arts and Business or Science, Health, Education and Engineering or USC Law School .
Suggested electives for Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Criminology and Justice include:
CRM201 Criminal Profiling & Intelligence
JST202 International Justice and Human Rights
CRM203 Homicide, Investigations & Forensic Science
CRM302 Youth Justice & Restorative Justice
CRM305 Professional Placement
Note: Not all USC courses are available on every USC campus.
Total units: 480
Recommended study sequences
Program requirements and notes
Program requirements
In order to graduate you must:
- Complete 5 introductory level (100 coded) required law courses including COR109
- Complete 14 advanced level (200/300/400 coded) required law courses
- Complete 6 law electives
- Complete 6 required introductory level (100 coded) criminology courses
- Complete 5 required advanced level (200/300 coded) criminology courses
- Complete 4 elective courses
- Complete no more than 15 introductory level (100 coded) courses in total, including the core course
Program notes
- Completing this program within the specified (full-time) duration is based on studying 48 unit points per semester (normally 4 courses).
- Courses within this program are assessed using a variety of assessment methods including essays, seminar presentations, reports, in-class tests and examinations. Not all courses will necessarily include all methods.
- As part of your USC program, you may apply to Study Overseas to undertake courses with an overseas higher education provider. It is advisable to contact your Program Advisor to discuss timing and course issues.
- When enrolling, refer to the Study Plan.
- Semester offerings for Law elective courses are subject to change and are dependent on student demand. For more information on elective availability please contact your Program Coordinators.
- Honours in Law available for high performing students.