Standing Committees of Academic Board | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Standing Committees of Academic Board

Executive Committee of Academic Board

The Executive Committee of Academic Board reports to the Academic Board.

Education Committee

The Education Committee advises the Academic Board and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on a range of learning and teaching matters including University policy on learning and teaching. The Committee also monitors learning and teaching performance, benchmarking, external referencing of program and course design and delivery, academic integrity, and academic risk.

The Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Board on learning and teaching grant schemes, professional development in learning and teaching, strategies to decrease attrition and improve graduate employability, and monitors the progress and outcomes of learning and teaching related initiatives and projects.

University Academic Appeals Committee

The University Academic Appeals Committee reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with an annual report provided to Academic Board.

Research Committee

The Research Committee provides advice to Academic Board on research, research training and ethics matters, including University Policy on research, research training and ethics. The Committee advises the Academic Board and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on strategic plans associated with research and research training.

The Research Committee considers and recommends areas of research activity for support including the establishment of research centres or institutes within the University. The Committee assist with the formulation of research strategies to allow the achievement of the University’s Strategic Plan and monitors the work of the ethics committees to ensure that they meet internal and external requirements and develops recommendations to the Academic Board, as required. Both the Animal Ethics Committee and Human Research Ethics Committee report to the Research Committee.

The Committee provide leadership and advice on mechanisms to improve monitoring, benchmarking and reporting of the University’s research performance.

Note: Academic Board Standing Orders also apply for the Standing Committees of Academic Board.