University Academic Appeals Committee | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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University Academic Appeals Committee

University Academic Appeal Committee effective 1 January 2025


This Committee reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with an annual report provided to Academic Board.

Committee Leadership (full rights)
  • Chairperson: A senior academic staff member (Level D to E) appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for a term of two years.
  • Deputy Chairperson: A senior academic staff member (Level D to E) appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for a term of two years.
Members ex-officio (full rights)
  • Academic Registrar and Director, Student Services (or nominee)
Appointed members (full rights)
  • A minimum of three senior (Levels D & E) academic staff members appointed by the Chair for a minimum term of one year.
  • Up to five academic (Levels B & C) staff members appointed by the Chair for a minimum term of one year.
  • A minimum of two undergraduate students and two postgraduate students, appointed by the Chair for a term of one year, who are not members of staff of the University, appointed for a minimum term of one year.

The Chair will consider the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion when appointing members to the Committee, to pursue a composition that represents the University.

Staff appointed in this category must hold a staff appointment of 0.5 FTE or more for the duration of their term as a member.

In attendance (having participatory, but not voting, rights)
  • Secretary, University Academic Appeals Committee
  • Any visitors approved by the Chairperson.
  • An advocate for the student with the approval of the Chairperson.
Observers (no rights)
  • Any person with the approval of the Chairperson
  • Students may have a support person at any meetings, hearings or interviews. This person must be a representative of the UniSC Student Guild or another person who is not legally trained
Assembling a Hearing Panel

The panel should be assembled with a minimum of three academic members inclusive of the Chair and a minimum of one student.

Selection will be by the Chairperson of the Committee and will depend on availability and any conflicts of interest the academic members may have. All senior academic members will be appointed for a term of one year, however, may be renewed for a further term by approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

Terms of Reference

  1. The University Academic Appeals Committee (UAAC) is established to ensure fair, just, and timely resolution of student appeals related to academic and non-academic matters, including but not limited to academic progress, academic misconduct, and general misconduct. (HESF 2.4)
  2. As set out in the Student Complaints Resolution Policy and Procedures, to consider in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness the decision being appealed, the grounds for appeal and as applicable, investigate and determine an outcome on student appeals relating to academic matters, including, but not limited to the following matters:

a) Unsatisfactory academic progress for coursework students
b) Unsatisfactory progression of higher degree by research (HDR) candidature
c) Review of final grades
d) Granting of credit transfer
e) Award of Honours
f) Late withdrawal without academic penalty
g) Student academic misconduct
h) Breaches of responsible research conduct by HDR students
(HESF 2.4)

3. To conduct hearings, where required, selecting an appropriate panel of non-conflicted members to hear the matter. Where possible, in the case of review of HDR decisions, the Chair should request the attendance of a non-conflicted panel member from the Graduate Research School to attend.
(HESF 2.4)

4. To ensure decisions are made in accordance with university policies and procedures. (HESF 6.3)

5. The Committee Chair may make a determination to undertake one or more of the following actions:

a) Dismiss the request for appeal; or
b) Uphold the appeal and;
i. Affirm the original decision; or
ii. Set aside or vary the original decision.(HESF 2.4)

6. To draw the attention of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), to any apparent problems arising from the administration of relevant University policies and procedures or other administrative or operational processes that may be the result of observations made during consideration of an appeal. (HESF 5.3.7, 6.2)

7. To provide an annual report to the Academic Board on the outcomes of appeals, highlighting any academic risks or trends, and make recommendations for improvement.
(HESF 6.3)


The terms of reference for the UAC will be reviewed every three years to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Tenure and Frequency of meetings

The Committee may meet from time to time at the discretion of the Chair. For the purposes of Hearings of Student Academic Appeals, a panel will be assembled from the Committee Member list.
The assembly of a Student Academic Appeals Committee will be as required, to make timely decisions on student appeals in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals - Procedures.


The quorum for a meeting of the Student Academic Appeals Committee shall be four members including a Chairperson and at least one student. As far as reasonably practicable, the postgraduate student member should be present when the Committee is considering an appeal from a postgraduate student.

The Chairperson will have a deliberative vote as well as a casting vote.

Approved: Academic Board, 5 November 2024