Executive Committee of Academic Board | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Executive Committee of Academic Board

The Executive Committee of Academic Board effective 1 January 2025.

Composition and Terms of Reference


This Committee reports to the Academic Board.

  • Ex-Officio Members (full rights)
  • Chair, Academic Board (Chair)
  • Deputy Chair, Academic Board
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
Appointed members
  • One elected member of the Academic Board (Professor/Level E), appointed by the Chair, Academic Board.
Invited to attend as appropriate (having participatory, but not voting, rights)
  • Any visitors with the approval of the Chairperson
In attendance (having participatory, but not voting, rights)
  • Secretary, Academic Secretariat

The purpose of the Executive Committee is to assist the Academic Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for academic governance and quality assurance.

The Executive Committee acts on behalf of Academic Board between its scheduled meetings, to resolve urgent items of business relevant to the Academic Board that cannot be managed within the Board’s regular business processes and, as required, seeking and obtaining information and/or guidance relevant to its inquiries, from any Board, Committee or person of the University.

The Academic Board Executive Committee will provide a report to Academic Board of any resolutions of urgent items of business the Committee has undertaken.

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider, where required by time constraints only, outside of the usual meetings of the Academic Board; urgent items that:

    i. require endorsement, approval, quality assessment or strategic discussion;
    ii. meet the parameters of the Terms of Reference of the Academic Board;
    iii. have appropriate rationale for the urgent nature of the item. (HESF 5.3, 6.2)

  2. To provide regular reporting to the Academic Board on the activities of the Academic Board Executive Committee. (HESF 6.1)

Tenure and Frequency of Meetings

Meetings will be held on an ‘as needed’ basis.

Last Revised: Approved by Academic Board on 5 November 2024