(Moreton Bay) Semester 2 commencement (July) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Moreton Bay) Semester 2 commencement (July)

This Master of Teaching (Primary) recommended study sequence is for students commencing in the current Semester.

Year 1

Year 1

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Moreton Bay)
EDU767 Discovering Science
EDU768 Introduction to Mathematics
EDU769 Introduction to Applied Mathematics
EDU779 Introductory Calculus
EDU780 Plant Diversity and Ecology
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Moreton Bay)
EDU777 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology
EDU778 Molecular Biology
EDU795 Microbiology
EDU796 Biochemistry
Year 2

Year 2

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Moreton Bay)
EDU717 Molecular Biology
EDU718 Microbiology
EDU776 Biotechnology: Research to Product
EDN700 Organic Chemistry
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Moreton Bay)
EDU712 Inorganic Chemistry
EDU716 Physical Chemistry
EDU774 Biochemistry
EDU797 Invertebrate Biology and Ecology