(Sunshine Coast) Semester 1 commencement (February) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Sunshine Coast) Semester 1 commencement (February)

Year 1

Semester 1

Select 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Fraser Coast)
OES104 Indonesia: Society, Culture and Politics
OES240 International Politics: An Australian Perspective

PLUS select either 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Fraser Coast)
ENS103 International Relations: Theory and Practice
ENS282 International Security
GEO100 Politics and Security in East Asia
GEO201 Foundations of Criminology
SUS101 International Justice and Human Rights
SUS201 Introduction to Psychology B

OR select 2 elective courses from the undergraduate elective course options.

Semester 2

Select 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Fraser Coast)
ANM104 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
OES101 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
OES104 Social Work and Human Services Practice
OES215 Social Research
SUS202 Social Justice, Welfare and the State

PLUS select either 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Fraser Coast)
ANM103 Group Work
SCI102 Health and Mental Health in Australia

OR select 2 elective courses from the undergraduate elective course options.