(Sippy Downs) Semester 1 commencement (February) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Sippy Downs) Semester 1 commencement (February)

Year 1

Year 1

Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
DEV700 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour
DEV701 Teaching Technologies: Curriculum and Pedagogy
ENS703 Professional Experience: Facilitating the Learning Environment
SCS730 Teaching Mathematics in the Early Years
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
DEV702 Teaching Science in the Early Years
EDU775 Teaching English: Curriculum and Pedagogy
ENS760 Teaching Arts in the Early Years
SCS725 Academic and Professional Skills: Planning for Success
Year 2

Year 2

Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
DEV703 ICT for Academic and Professional Applications

PLUS select 2 advanced level (700 coded) elective courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
BUS707 Innovation: Addressing Challenges
ENP707 Marketing Essentials
PRM710 Evidenced Based Decision Making
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
DEV704 Finance and Accounting for Managers

PLUS select 2 advanced level (700 coded) elective courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENP708 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
GEO700 Marketing in a Global Environment
MGT711 Communication and Thought
MGT702 Introduction to Economics
PUB702 Introduction to Management
SCS790 Introduction to Marketing

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