Journalism | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Major (8)

For a major in Journalism, students must successfully complete 8 courses:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
CMN130 Environment and Health
CMN150 Public Health Foundations
CMN228 Science Research Methods
CMN235 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology
CMN237 Health Research and Evidence
CMN277 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning

Plus select 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
CMN240 Health Promotion Principles
CMN302 Concepts of Epidemiology
CMN305 Environmental Health Risk Management
CMN330 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation

Minor (4)

For a minor in Journalism, students must successfully complete 4 courses:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
CMN130 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
CMN150 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
CMN228 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
CMN237 Special Research Project