(Fraser Coast) Enrolled Nurse pathway - Semester 2 commencement (July) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Fraser Coast) Enrolled Nurse pathway - Semester 2 commencement (July)

Year 1

Year 1

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR131 Biomechanics I
NUR212 Exercise Physiology I
NUR222 Health Care in Regional, Rural and Remote Areas #
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR226 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy #
NUR231 Neurological Physiotherapy #
NUR241 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy A #
Session 4
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR227 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy B #
Year 2

Year 2

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR286 Paediatric Physiotherapy #
NUR331 Physiotherapy for Aging and Disability #
NUR332 Physiotherapy for Complex Cases and Special Populations #
Session 8
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR287 Professional Internship
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
HLT301 Independent Study
NUR311 Research in Health Care
PAR311 Qualitative Research: Approaches and Practice
Session 4
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR300 Simulation in Practice Education

Select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
NUR272 Responding in the Emergency Context
NUR312 Global Emergency Issues
NUR322 Assessment in Mental Health