Master of Climate Change Adapation - Study Period 2 Study Plan | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Master of Climate Change Adapation - Study Period 2 Study Plan

This Master of Climate Change Adaptation Study Plan is for students commencing in Study Period 2. Students should refer to the published timetables for actual course scheduling information.

Year 1 - Study Period 2 (1 Jul–31 Dec) *

  • Four (4) required courses
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENS729 Exercise Prescription and Programming
ENS726 Advanced Climate Change Mitigation
ENS747 Climate Change Adaptation Barriers and Solutions
ENS744 Marine Resource Management

Year 1 - Study Period 1 (1 Jan–30 Jun) *

  • Five (5) required courses
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENS703 Environmental, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment
ENS728 Governance, Engagement and Capacity Building
ENS727 Applied Climatic & Hydrological Systems
ENS724 Carbon & Biodiversity Markets
ENS708 Coastal Systems Dynamics

Year 2 - Study Period 2 (1 Jul–31 Dec) *

  • Three (3) required courses
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENS712 Advancement of Ecosystem Based Management
ENS713 Integrated Management A: Theory and Practice
ENS717 Integrated Management B: Practical Application

* Each teaching session is linked uniquely to Study Period 1 or Study Period 2 according to in which study period the census date falls. Therefore it is possible that a course may commence and be a Study Period 1 course however the course concludes in Study Period 2.