Study Plan - Semester 1 commencement | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Study Plan - Semester 1 commencement

The Associate Degree in Medical Laboratory Science Study Plan is for students commencing in Semester 1.

Year 1

  • One (1) core course:
    • COR109 Communication and Thought should be studied in Semester 1
  • Seven (7) required courses
Core course (1)
CourseSemester of offer
COR109 Communication and Thought
Required courses (7)
CourseSemester of offer
LFS100 Cell Biology
MLS101 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science
SCI105 Chemistry
LFS112 Human Physiology
MLS110 Haematology
MLS121 Histology
MLS131 Medical Laboratory Placement 1

Year 2

  • Nine (9) required courses
Required courses (9)
CourseSemester of offer
HLT221 Human Pathophysiology
LFS251 Biochemistry
LFS261 Microbiology
MLS210 Advanced Haematology
MLS231 Medical Laboratory Placement 2
LFS262 Medical Microbiology
MLS211 Medical Biochemistry
MLS212 Blood Banking
MLS232 Medical Laboratory Placement 3

Students should note the Medical Laboratory Placement courses (MLS131 , MLS231 and MLS232 ) will be offered in a variety of sessions to allow for flexibility with available industry placements.

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