Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2012: Business Education / ICT Education | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2012: Business Education / ICT Education

Major / minor teaching area

To fulfil the requirements of a major teaching area in Business Education and a minor teaching area in ICT Education, students must successfully complete 12 courses:

Business Education

For a major teaching area in Business, students must successfully complete 8 courses:

Required courses: (8)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
BUS103 Counselling Interventions: Experiential Practices
BUS104 Counselling and Addictions
BUS105 Research in Health Care
HRM210 Independent Study
HRM220 Research in Health Care
IBS210 Assessment in Mental Health
MGT310 Therapeutic Interventions: Group Therapies
MKG221 Perspectives in Mental Health
ICT Education

For a minor teaching area in ICT, students must successfully complete 4 courses:

Required courses: (4)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
BUS108 Therapeutic Interventions: Individual Therapies
ICT210 Reflective Mental Health Practice
ICT211 Independent Study
ICT220 Mental Health Contexts of Care