Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2012: Pass-Level Pathway Study Plan | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
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This Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Study Plan is for students commencing in the current Semester and undertaking the Pass-Level Pathway.
Note: The first 2 years of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy are identical in both the Pass-Level and Honours Pathway. All students will follow the Pass-Level Pathway intially and students who apply to undertake Honours will follow the Honours Pathway from Year 3 onwards.
Year 1
Eight (8) required courses: SCI110 should be studied in Semester 1
Required courses: (8)
Course Semester of offer Units Requisites LFS103 Research Project in History SCI110 Indonesian BOCC101 Indonesian DPSY100 In-Country Indonesian Studies ALFS112 In-Country Indonesian Studies BLFS122 Indonesian FOCC102 International Politics: An Australian PerspectivePSY101 International Relations: Theory and Practice
Year 2
One (1) Core course: Complete one COR course in Semester 1.
Seven (7) required courses
Core course: (1)
Select 1 course from:
Course Semester of offer Units Requisites COR109 International Security COR110 Politics and Security in East AsiaCOR111 Internship in Human Security and Politics
Required courses: (7)
Course Semester of offer Units Requisites PSY203 Italian B SPX201 Communication and ThoughtOCC201 Innovation, Creativity and EntrepreneurshipOCC202 Environment, Technology and SustainabilityOCC212 Science Research MethodsOCC222 Introductory BioscienceOCC232 Science Research Methods
Year 3
Seven (7) required courses
Required courses: (7)
Course Semester of offer Units Requisites OCC301 Concepts in Human Occupation OCC311 Introduction to Psychology AOCC321 Human PhysiologyOCC331 Human AnatomyOCC302 Participation in OccupationOCC312 Introduction to Psychology BOCC322 Communication and Thought
Year 4
Five (5) required courses
Required courses: (5)
Course Semester of offer Units Requisites OCC401 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship PUB112 Environment, Technology and SustainabilitySCS286 Introduction to Human DevelopmentOCC402 Functional AnatomyOCC412 Occupational Therapy Theory