For a major in Public Health, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
6 required courses:
PUB102 Marketing Management
PUB112 Project Integration
PUB252 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
PUB262 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
PUB271 International Relations: Theory and Practice
PUB361 Forces of Change in International Politics
Plus select 2 courses from:
PUB272 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
PUB351 Environment and Health
PUB352 Public Health Foundations
WPL310 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning *
For a minor in Public Health, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
PUB112 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB262 Health Promotion Principles
PUB271 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
PUB361 Health Promotion Settings
* Subject to special entry requirements. Course coordinator approval only