Professional learning in education | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Professional learning in education

Lifelong learning is a necessity in our everyday professional lives. A suite of opportunities is available at the University of the Sunshine Coast for professionals who want to:

  • know about recent developments in educational practice, policy and research, or
  • understand and enhance their own practice in light of recent changes and challenges

Opportunities for continuous professional learning in education include short courses, graduate certificates, a graduate diploma and masters.

Re-Entry to Teaching

Are you thinking about:

  • Returning to teaching after a long commitment to family?
  • Upgrading your qualifications after a break from teaching?
  • Looking for a teaching position, after recently arriving in Australia?
  • Catching up with new developments in education before you return to teaching?

Re-Entry to Teaching is designed for those who wish to return to teaching or take up a teaching position in Australia (pending approval from the Queensland College of Teaching) and will focus on:

  • effective teaching practices and pedagogical engagement
  • contemporary policies and issues in education in Queensland
  • contemporary curriculum development, syllabus implementation and assessment developments in Queensland

Re-Entry to Teaching program is offered progressively throughout the year, please contact the Education Team to register your interest

More information

For course details, costs, semester details and enrolment information, please contact:
Tel: +61 7 5456 5124