(Moreton Bay) Semester 1 commencement (February) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Moreton Bay) Semester 1 commencement (February)

The Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)/Bachelor of Environmental Science recommended study sequence is for students commencing in the current semester.

Year 1
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENG101 Accounting Principles
ENS103 Introduction to Economics
MTH103 Introduction to Management
SCI107 Introduction to Marketing
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENG102 Communication and Thought
ENG103 Human Development and Learning
ENG104 Foundations of Literacy and Numeracy
MTH104 Science Teaching in the Early Years
Year 2 
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENS253 Introductory Bioscience
MEC221 Health, Culture and Society
SCI105 Introduction to Psychology A

PLUS select 1 elective course from the undergraduate elective course options.

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
SCI102 Social Work and Human Services Practice
CIV201 Communication and Thought
ENS224 Introduction to Psychology A
MEC200 Introduction to Psychology B
Year 3
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
SCI110 Current Directions in Psychology
ENS221 Research Methods in Psychology A
MEC225 Research Methods in Psychology B
MTH201 Physiological Psychology
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
CIV200 Introduction to Human Development
ENS222 Social Psychology
ENS242 Motivation and Emotion

PLUS select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ANM203 Advanced Methods in Psychology
SCI202 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology
Year 4
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
CIV330 Intercultural and Indigenous Psychologies
CIV340 Personality and Assessment
ENG302 Human Associative Learning
ENS321 Abnormal Psychology
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
CIV300 Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
ENG304 Adult Development and Ageing
GEO302 Materials in Engineering
MTH203 Professional Engineering
Year 5
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
CIV400 Engineering Design
CIV451 Engineering Statics
ENG401 Engineering Computing
ENS325 Introduction to Applied Mathematics
Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
CIV301 Introductory Calculus
CIV401 Physics
CIV404 Biodiversity and Ecology
ENG402 Introductory Chemistry

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