(Moreton Bay) Semester 2 commencement (July) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Moreton Bay) Semester 2 commencement (July)

USC Moreton Bay students please note:

  • Not all courses are offered at USC Moreton Bay each semester.
  • Elective options for a semester will be visible on release of the timetable for the relevant semester. Only the current semester Class Timetable is available at this point in time.
  • For detailed course information (including requisites), refer to the individual course descriptions.
Year 1

Year 1

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
SCS110 Torts B
COU176 Introduction to the Creative Industries
SWK100 Introduction to the Creative Industries
COR109 Professional Ethics and Integrity Management
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
COU180 Contracts A
SCS101 Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
SCS130 Contracts B
SWK172 Social Research
Year 2

Year 2

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
SCS235 Property A
SWK202 Constitutional Law
SWK302 Equity & Trusts

PLUS select 1 elective course from the undergraduate elective course options.

Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
SWK201 Property B
SWK277 Corporations Law
SWK278 Civil Procedure
Year 3

Year 3

Semester 2
CourseSemester of offer
SWK251 Administrative Law
SWK286 Evidence
SWK306 Professional Conduct
Semester 1
CourseSemester of offer
SWK200 Regulation
SWK305 Introduction to Creative Advertising
SWK407 Design Methods