Biology | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Major (8)*

For a major in Biology, students must successfully complete 8 courses:

*Note: This major requires additional requisite course(s) to be completed.

Required courses (8)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
BIM331 Teaching HPE in the Early Years
ENS221 Professional Experience: Evidence Based Decision Making in Early Learning
ENS222 Inclusive Practices and Intervention in Early Learning
ENS318 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
LFS252 Assessing Learning
LFS261 Professional Experience: Differentiated Practice
SCI212 Teaching Science in Primary Schools

PLUS select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
ENS316 Teaching HASS in Primary School
ENS330 Professional Experience: Curriculum Approaches and Pedagogies
One of these two courses can be substituted with WPL310 Professional Experience: Teacher Identity and Professional Practice or SRP301 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Learning and Teaching if approved by the Program Coordinator

Minor (4)*

For a minor in Biology, students must successfully complete 4 courses:

*Note: This minor requires additional requisite course(s) to be completed.

Required courses (4)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
ENS222 Teaching Reading and Writing
ENS318 Leadership and Advocacy in Early Learning
LFS261 Teaching English: Language, Literature and Literacy
SCI212 Teaching Primary School Mathematics