Study on campus
Business, IT and tourism courses
ACC106 Diversity, Crime and Justice
BUS101 Direct Practice 2
BUS105 Critical Social Policy Analysis
BUS106 Social Work Field Education 2
BUS108 Context Responsive Social Work Practice
ICT115 Microbiology
Creative industries, design and communication courses
CMN102 Pharmaceutical and Food Microbiology
CMN105 Microbial Pathogenesis
CMN116 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
CMN130 Acting 1: The actor's craft
CMN140 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre
CMN150 Directing Performance: Contemporary Perspectives
COR109 Acting 2: Contemporary Voice and Text
CRM101 Work Integrated Learning Project
CRM102 Devising Performance
CRM103 Group Processes and Practice
DES103 Therapeutic Communication Skills
DES104 Foundations of Human Behaviour
DES105 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
DES106 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
DRA101 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SGD103 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
Education courses
EDU103 Social Research
EDU104 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
EDU110 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings
Engineering and science courses
MTH102 Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SCI102 Working with First Nations Peoples and Multicultural Communities(Prerequisite: Students must be concurrently studying Biology in Year 12)
SCI105 Working With Children, Youth and Families(Prerequisite: Students must be concurrently studying Chemistry in Year 11 or 12)
SCI107 Ethics, Law and the Helping Professions(Prerequisite: Students must be concurrently studying Maths B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SCI110 Disability: Culture, Community and Change(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths A, B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SET111 Social Work Field Education 1
Health, nursing and sport sciences courses
LFS103 Community Development and Social Action(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
LFS112 Direct Practice 1
LFS122 Direct Practice 2(Prerequisite: Students must be concurrently studying Biology in Year 11 or 12)
PUB102 Social Work Field Education 2
PUB112 Critical Social Policy Analysis
SPX102 Context Responsive Social Work Practice(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses
ENP103 Counselling for Crisis, Trauma and Loss
GEO101 Working with Victims and Offenders
HIS100 Research Methods in Arts and Social Science
INT100 Introduction to the Creative Industries
JST102 Introduction to Screen and Media Industries
PSY101 Creative Production
PSY102 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
SCS110 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre
SCS130 Performance 1
SCS172 Running Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (M.I.C.E) industry events
Languages and linguistics courses
IND111 Work Integrated Learning Project(Prerequisite: IND110 Work Integrated Learning Placement)
ITL111 Accounting Principles(Prerequisite: ITL110 Business Analytics)
JPN111 Introductory Japanese 2(Prerequisite: JPN110 Introductory Japanese 1)
Study at USC Gympie
Business, IT and tourism courses
ACC106 Accounting Principles
BUS101 Exploring Business Research
BUS105 Marketing Essentials
BUS106 Accounting for Business
BUS108 Information Systems in Organisations
Creative industries, design and communication courses
Education courses
EDU103 Teaching with Technology
Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology B
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia