Study on campus
Business, IT and tourism courses
ACC106 Reading as a Writer
BUS102 Advanced Writing Seminar
BUS105 Introduction to Creative Entrepreneurship*
ICT112 Contemporary Communication Theory and Trends*
MGT130 Introduction to Journalism
TSM102 Visual Journalism
Creative industries, design and communication courses
CMN102 Communication and Thought
CMN103 Screen Production and Editing
CMN104 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics
CMN116 News Writing and Reporting
CMN120 Online Journalism
CMN130 Feature Writing
COR109 Broadcast Journalism
CRM101 Investigative and Data Journalism
DES101 News Rounds
DES102 Industry Project 2: Communication
DES105 Creativity, Design and Communication Project*
DRA100 Newsroom
EGL120 Public Health Research and Evidence
SGD100 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
SGD101 Healthy Public Policy and Advocacy
SGD120 Public Health Foundations
Education courses
EDU101 Evidenced Based Decision Making
EDU104 Finance and Accounting for Managers
EDU107 Leading and Managing Organisations
Engineering and science courses
ENG101 Innovation Management and Professional Development
ENS103 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
LFS100 Marketing in a Global Environment(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
MTH102 Evidenced Based Decision Making(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SCI105 Finance and Accounting for Managers(Prerequisite: Students must be studying Chemistry in Year 11 or 12)
SCI110 Innovation Management and Professional Development(Prerequisite: It is recommended students be concurrently studying Maths A, B or C in Year 11 or 12)
SET111 Marketing in a Global Environment
Health, nursing and sport sciences courses
LFS103 Strategy, Governance and Ethics(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
NUR121 Leading and Managing Organisations
SPX101 Managing Across Global Cultures
Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses
ENP101 International Trade and Finance
GEO100 Evidenced Based Decision Making
HIS140 Economics for Managers
INT140 Finance and Accounting for Managers
JST101 Innovation Management and Professional Development
PSY100 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
PSY102 Marketing in a Global Environment
PSY103 Leading and Managing Organisations
SCS110 Global Business Management
SCS130 Preparation for Practice 2
SCS140 Drug Therapy
SCS172 Contexts of Practice: Health Alteration
SUS101 Nursing Practice 2
Languages and linguistics courses
IND110 Palliative, Rehabilitation and Continuing Care
ITL110 Research Foundations for Health Practice
JPN110 Health, Law and Ethics
LNG110 Preparation for Practice 3
Study at USC Gympie
Business, IT and tourism courses
ACC106 Contexts of Practice: Complex Care
BUS102 Nursing Practice 3
BUS104 Contexts of Practice: Mental Health Care
BUS105 Leadership in Clinical Practice
Creative industries, design and communication courses
COR109 Preparation for Practice 4
Education courses
EDU101 Nursing Practice 4
EDU104 Neonatal and Infant Health
EDU107 Life Crisis
Health, nursing and sport sciences courses
LFS103 Perinatal and Infant Mental Health(Prerequisite: Students must be in Year 12)
NUR121 Contexts of practice: child, youth and family
Humanities, psychology and social sciences courses
PSY100 Nursing Internship
SCS172 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety
For more information on the Headstart Program contact Student Central on Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 or email