Major teaching area
For a major teaching area in Physical Education, students must successfully complete 12 courses:
Required science courses (4)
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
SET111 Applied Systems Modelling | | | |
LFS103 Software Development 1 | | | |
SCI110 Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics | | | |
Select 1 course from:
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
MTH100 Epidemiology and Biostatistics | | | |
MTH102 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics | | | |
Required related courses (7)
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
LFS112 Calculus and Algebra | | | |
LFS122 Discrete Mathematics | | | |
SPX102 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology | | | |
SPX231 Applied Systems Modelling | | | |
SPX361 Software Development 1 | | | |
SPX362 Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics | | | |
PLUS select 1 advanced required course from:
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
SPX201 Numerical Analysis | | | |
SPX221 Epidemiology and Biostatistics | | | |
SPX331 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics | | | |
SPX322 Discrete Mathematics | | | |
SPX371 Numerical Analysis | | | |
Elective courses (1)
Select 1 elective course from:
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
SPX202 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology | | | |
SPX211 Applied Systems Modelling | | | |
Please note: For suggested scheduling of the above courses, please refer to the specific study plan for your intended major and minor combination within the Bachelor of Education / Bachelor of Science program.