For a major in Clinical Measurement students must successfully complete 8 courses:
4 required courses:
BIM263 3D Design C
LFS303 3D Design D
SPX211 Introduction to Pharmacology
SPX301 Pathophysiology
Plus select 4 courses from:
BIM331 Exercise Physiology I
BIM341 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
LFS262 Immunology
MBT353 Biochemical Pharmacology
PUB361 Medical Microbiology
SPX201 Microbial Pathogenesis
SPX202 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SPX212 Functional Anatomy
SPX221 Biomechanics I
WPL310 Exercise Prescription and Programming #
WPL320 Introduction to Sports Medicine(24 units) #
# Subject to special entry requirements. Course Coordinator approval only.