Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Schedule of Fees | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2007: Schedule of Fees

Fees for Australian, New Zealand and Australian permanent resident students

Student contribution rates (formerly HECS rates) for undergraduate, Honours, cross-institutional and postgraduate coursework students

Undergraduate tuition fees for undergraduate, Honours, visiting and cross-institutional fee-paying students

Enabling and Tertiary Preparation Pathway fees

Headstart fees

On campus postgraduate coursework fees

Online postgraduate coursework fees

Higher degrees by research fees

Administrative and miscellaneous charges

Fees for international students

Enabling fees

Study Abroad fees

English Language Programs fees

Undergraduate fees:

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Business  
  • Faculty of Science, Health and Education

On campus postgraduate coursework fees:

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Science, Health and Education
  • Online postgraduate coursework fees

Higher degrees by research fees:

  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Science, Health and Education

Administrative and miscellaneous charges