HLT710 Urgent Care - Communication for Safety | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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HLT710 Urgent Care - Communication for Safety

The management of patients within Urgent Care clinics involves an understanding of factors that affect safety and quality in healthcare. The specialist skills and knowledge of communication for safety is integral to the provision of safe clinical practice in Urgent Care. To prepare you for your professional role you will develop knowledge in managing communication in urgent care. You will critically appraise your clinical knowledge and practices and develop capabilities and competencies for communication.

Course detail

Course Coordinator Consent Required. Course coordinator will assess for Ahpra registration in medicine, nursing, or paramedicine with 2 years post graduate experience
Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Online: Session 6, Session 7
Tuition fee
4.3:Medical, Dental, Veterinary Studies
Census date
Academic Calendar
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Course outline

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