Experts available: What to expect from the 2024 US Election | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Experts available: What to expect from the 2024 US Election

As the drama-filled United States election campaign draws to a close, University of the Sunshine Coast academics are available to share their insights on what is shaping up to be one of the most significant verdicts in American history.

Whether Kamala Harris is victorious, or Donald Trump makes a return to the Oval Office, what will it mean for Australia and rest of the world?

Experts available
Dr. Stefanie Fishel

US-born Dr. Stefanie Fishel is a UniSC Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations. She fears a repeat of the violence and chaos that followed the 2020 election.

“The world is turned toward the United States in anticipation of the results of the election,” said Dr Fishel, a former assistant professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and the University of Alabama.

“Unfortunately, the rise in political violence in the States – often authorised and encouraged by Trump – makes either outcome a potential flashpoint for violence and unrest,” she said.

“We know that we can't trust polls, so it will be a long wait for the results to roll in on election night and in some close races, may take days to count and report.” 

Dr Shannon Brincat

UniSC Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Dr Shannon Brincat  is a is available to discuss the implications of the US election outcome on global foreign policy, especially for Australia and the wider Indo-Pacific region, and the long-term impacts on international order.

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