Learning and Teaching Committee | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Learning and Teaching Committee

Composition and Terms of Reference


The Committee reports to the Academic Board.

Composition Members (full rights)

  • Chairperson as nominated by the Chairperson of the Academic Board
  • Deputy Chairperson as nominated by the Chairperson of the Academic Board
  • Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement
  • An experienced teacher from each School, nominated by the Heads of School
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students)
  • One undergraduate and one postgraduate coursework student, who is not a member of staff of the University with an appointment of 0.5 or more, identified by expression of interest and appointed by the Chairperson
  • Up to two additional members co-opted by the Chairperson for a specified term

Elected members

  • One academic staff member from the northern region, elected by the staff (Gympie and Fraser Coast)
  • One academic staff member from the southern region elected by the staff (Moreton Bay, Caboolture and SouthBank)
  • One academic staff member from the central region elected by the staff

Invited to attend as appropriate (having participatory, but not voting, rights)

  • Pro Vice-Chancellors and Directors as required
  • Any visitors with the approval of the Chairperson

In attendance (having participatory, but not voting, rights)

  • Director, Information Services
  • Director, Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching
  • Director, Student Services and Engagement
  • Curriculum representative, Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching

Observers (no rights)

  • Any person with the approval of the Chairperson
Terms of Reference
  1. To advise the Academic Board on learning and teaching matters, including University Policy on learning and teaching, by monitoring learning and teaching performance, including benchmarking and external referencing of program and course design and delivery; monitoring academic integrity, and monitoring academic risk.
  2. To advise the Academic Board on strategic plans associated with learning and teaching.
  3. To make recommendations to the Academic Board regarding learning and teaching grant schemes.
  4. To advise the Academic Board on professional development in learning and teaching.
  5. To advise the Academic Board on strategies and mechanisms for decreasing attrition and improving graduate employability.
  6. To monitor the progress and outcomes of learning and teaching related initiatives and projects.
  7. To monitor compliance with the relevant Higher Education Standards and develop mechanisms for ensuring compliance.

Tenure and Frequency of Meetings

There will be at least four meetings of the Committee each year.

The Heads of Schools’ nominees will serve for a period of two years. Elected academic staff members will serve for a period of two years.
The student members will serve for a period of one year, with a maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

Last Revised: Approved by Academic Board 29 October 2019