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University committees

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Council is the University's governing body and derives its powers from the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998.

Council has the power to manage and control University affairs, property and finances, and appoint University staff. Where allowed under the Act, Council may delegate its powers to an appropriately qualified member of Council or member of the University’s staff; or to an appropriately qualified committee that includes one or more members of Council.

Committees of Council include:

  • Planning and Resources Committee
  • Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • Honorary Awards Committee
  • Nominations Committee and Executive Committee of Council

Academic Board

The Academic Board is the University's senior academic body.

The Board was established under the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 to: 

  • advise the Council about teaching, scholarship and research matters concerning the University
  • formulate proposals for the academic policies of the University
  • monitor the academic activities of the University's faculties
  • promote and encourage scholarship and research at the University
Standing Committees of Academic Board

Vice-Chancellor and President's Committees

Art Advisory Committee

The University of the Sunshine Coast Vice-Chancellor’s Art Advisory Committee (VCAAC) is an advisory committee to the Vice-Chancellor and the President. The role of the Art Advisory Committee is to provide expert, balanced and diverse opinion in the implementation of the University Art Collection - Managerial Policy and Procedures, and advice on the incorporation of art into the University’s public spaces.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is an Advisory Committee to the Vice-Chancellor and President. The role of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to proactively identify equity, diversity and inclusion issues for both staff and students and promote the principles of the University’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the principal management committee of the University, with senior management oversight of the planning and strategy, financial, business, and infrastructure operations of the University. The role of the Executive Committee is to bring matters of strategic and operational significance to the attention of the Vice-Chancellor and President, and subsequently to provide analysis and insight into such matters to inform discussion and draw out practical options for the Vice-Chancellor and President's consideration.

Indigenous Advisory Committee

Members of the Indigenous Advisory Committee advise the Vice-Chancellor and President on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy matters relevant to the University. The role of the Committee is to also provide strategic advice and guidance to the Vice-Chancellor and President on the achievement of outcomes for Indigenous students, staff and research and curriculum matters associated with the University, consistent with the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and employment initiatives.

Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) Committee 

The ISSP Committee advises on activities funded by the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) grants. This includes the effectiveness of programs, impact, and alignment to University Strategies and legislative requirements. The committee will report to the Vice-Chancellor and President.

Senior Management Forum

The Vice-Chancellor and President’s Senior Management Forum serves as a platform for collaboration, communication, and strategic alignment among senior leaders across all functional areas within the University.

Student Senate

The Student Senate forms part of the UniSC Student Governance Framework, dedicated to amplifying the diverse voices of our student community to enrich the overall student experience. Reporting directly to the Vice-Chancellor and President, the Senate acts as a source of productive communication between the student body and the University.

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