Committees of Council | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Committees of Council

Planning and Resources Committee

The role of the Planning and Resources Committee (PRC) is to recommend the strategic directions of the University to Council, in the context of development of the University’s plans and their resourcing strategies.

The Committee also provides advice to Council on issues arising from these plans. The key areas of concern to the Committee are planning and strategy, financial resources, asset management (including information technology) and human resources.

Members of the PRC include the Chairperson (appointed by Council), the Vice-Chancellor and President, four members with specific expertise in strategic financial management and planning, a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and up to two members co-opted by the Chancellor. Membership is approved by Council and appointed members to PRC serve an initial period not exceeding three years, and can be extended for further terms subject to the composition and skill requirements of the Committee.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Financial Officer attend meetings.

Planning and Resources Committee Members

Member of Council

Tim Rothwell (Chairperson)

Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Helen Bartlett

Four members with expertise in strategic financial management and planning, at least one of whom must be a member of Council

  • Christopher Harris
  • Melinda Bryant
  • Marcia Hanrahan
  • Gavin Keeley
A member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • Phillip Strachan

Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) has five major areas of responsibility:

  1. Monitoring internal control and risk management
  2. Monitoring of internal audit activities
  3. Monitoring of external audit activities
  4. Oversight and appraisal of financial reporting
  5. Oversight of any fraud or ethics issues

Membership consists of a minimum of four and a maximum of six persons (excluding co-opted members) and at least one member of Council.

At least one ARMC member must be a member of the professional accounting or audit bodies in Australia and have a professional accounting, management consultancy or audit background. At least one member should possess expertise within the education sector. Membership is approved by Council.

The initial term of office of members is a period not exceeding three years, and may be extended for further terms subject to the composition and skill requirements of the Committee.

Audit and Risk Management Committee Members

Member of Council

Sandra Birkensleigh (Chairperson)

Member of the professional accounting bodies or audit bodies in Australia with a professional accounting, management consultancy or audit background

  • Jenny Morawska
  • Clare Power
  • Scott North
  • Phillip Strachan

Appointed (member possessing expertise within the education sector)

  • Emeritus Professor Jenny Graham

Honorary Awards Committee

The Honorary Awards Committee seeks, considers and recommends to University Council nominations for honorary awards, in accordance with the University's Honorary Awards – Governing Policy.

The Committee’s membership comprises of the Chancellor or their nominee, the Vice-Chancellor and President, a member of Executive on Council, Planning and Resources Committee or Audit and Risk Management Committee (nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President and appointed by Council) and up to three members of Council. The Chancellor, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President, may co-opt up to two additional members.

Nominations Committee and Executive Committee of Council

The Nominations Committee and Executive Committee of Council is a committee of Council, which was established in accordance with Council’s delegated authority under the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998. The purpose of the Committee is to:

  1. Act as a Search Committee for the role of Chancellor.
  2. Act as a Search Committee for members of Council and its Committees.
  3. Act as a Search Committee for the role of Vice-Chancellor and President (VCP).
  4. Conduct the VCP’s Annual Performance Review.
  5. Act to fulfil other roles as set out in its Terms of Reference.

The Committee comprises of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and President, Chairperson ARMC, Chairperson PRC and other members as required (appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee and Executive Committee of Council).