Advanced Materials and Manufacturing | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

More sustainable manufacturing starts here.

There is a critical need for more sustainable ways of using and processing the materials we use every day.

Materials, and the processes to transform them into products, are critical for technologies across aerospace, transport, construction, electronics, medical, agriculture and mining.

There is broad recognition of the need to boost Australian sovereign manufacturing, and more sustainable materials are a key component to address future sustainability goals. This cluster brings together expertise on materials, their processing, and the manufacturing systems and technologies which we use to transform raw materials into products.

We seek to collaborate with research partners and industry to innovate and address manufacturing challenges, focusing on issues across the entire product lifecycle from initial design, through manufacture, in-service and finally end-of-life and recycling.

Collaboration between research partners and industry allow manufacturing challenges to be addressed right at the design stage, allowing planning to minimise waste and maximise efficiency.
Cluster lead: A/Prof. Damon Kent 

Our aim

To conduct fundamental research which underpins innovations and technologies that deliver better materials and manufacturing practices, contributing to more sustainable societies.