Outside Work and Private Practice - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Outside Work and Private Practice - Procedures

Approval authority
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, People and Culture
First approved
5 November 2013
Last amended
4 September 2024
Review date
1 April 2024

1. Making an application for approval for Outside Work and Private Practice

A staff member must obtain written approval prior to commencing outside work or private practice.

All requests must be made in writing using the Application for Outside Work and Private Practice Form (available in MyUSC Forms Library). Applications are made to the relevant Head of School/Cost Centre Manager and will be considered and approved on their individual merits.

Applications must include:

• the details of the work or private practice to be undertaken;

• an explanation of the value of the undertaking to both the staff member and the University; and

• if applicable, how any potential or actual conflict of interest or commitment will be managed

1.1 Time Commitments for Outside Work and Private Practice

Before any application can be approved, the staff member must be able to show that there will be no impact upon the operations of the University, including the conduct of the staff member’s normal duties.

The time commitment of an individual staff member in outside work or private practice activities will be negotiated within the operational requirements of the University. Academic staff can request approval to expend an average of up to two hours per week (or equivalent for fractional staff) of the time that is allowed for normal duties on outside work and private practice activities.

Leave without pay and fractional appointments may be considered where appropriate. However, recreation and long service leaves are intended for rest, recuperation and rejuvenation and are not intended to provide time for alternative employment.

2. Approval Conditions

Approval may be given for a maximum of up to three years at a time. Approved outside work and private practice arrangements will be reviewed as part of the staff member's normal performance, planning and review process for the duration of the approved period.

3. Record Keeping

Staff will be notified in writing of approval or otherwise. The original of the approval must be forwarded to People and Culture for inclusion on the staff member’s file.