Delegations Framework - Governing Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Delegations Framework - Governing Policy

Approval authority
Responsible Executive member
Vice-Chancellor and President
Designated officer
Director, Governance and Risk Management
First approved
7 December 2010
Last amended
15 October 2024
Review date
15 October 2025
Related documents
Related legislation / standards
  • University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld)
  • Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (Qld)

1. Purpose of policy

1.1 This policy provides a framework and clear principles for the delegation of authority within the University of the Sunshine Coast (the University) and should be read in conjunction with the associated Delegations Manual and Schedules (staff access only).

2. Policy scope and application

2.1 This policy applies to all University staff and members of the University decision-making or advisory bodies.

2.2 Delegations outlined in this policy and the supporting Delegations Manual and Schedules apply to all University activities across all campuses and locations, excluding Third-Party Managed Campuses.

2.3 By their nature and in accordance with the Act, delegations may only be made to natural persons, either persons within the University’s Council or being a member of the University’s staff.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions that are specific to this policy and are critical to the effectiveness of it, which are not already included in the Glossary, are listed below:

Delegate (noun) means the position/committee of the University who has been authorised to carry out the delegation.

Delegation means the conveyance of authority to a position or committee to act on behalf of the University, or to bind the University within the scope of authority to a legally enforceable obligation. For the purposes of this policy the term ‘delegations’ is generally used to cover both delegations and authorisations. Further details on the difference between delegations (conferring a statutory power or function) and authorisations (conferring powers or functions on a non-statutory basis) can be found in the Delegations Manual.

Source means the relevant legislative or University authoritative reference that permits the delegation.

4. Policy statement

4.1 The University will ensure that Delegations complies with statutory and legislative requirements, including the requirements under the University of the Sunshine Coast Act, 1988 (Qld).

4.2 The University considers that Delegations are a critical component of the University’s governance framework in order to ensure strong, effective and efficient governance and management of the University. This commitment to sound corporate governance, academic governance, and administrative practices represents a significant responsibility for those who hold delegations of authority.

4.3 Delegations are the mechanisms by which the University enables its officers to act on behalf of the University. Delegations provide formal authority to staff to commit the University and/or incur liabilities for the University.

4.4 Delegations of authority should:

(a) support the implementation of objectives and the achievement of goals in the University’s strategic plan;

(b) provide authority to University staff, committees and bodies in accordance with the University’s policies, procedures and guidelines;

(c) be officially recorded and accessible to the University community;

(d) align responsibility and accountability in a way that facilitates efficiency and effectiveness, and also increases the accountability of staff for their performance;

(e) reflect the University’s commitment to probity and equity in all of its activities; and

(f) place decision-making powers as close as possible to the point of service delivery within the University, thus allowing decisions to be made more efficiently and effectively in response to stakeholder needs.

5. Principles

5.1 Delegations Framework

5.1.1 The Delegations Framework is guided by principles set out in the Governance Framework – Governing Policy.

5.1.2 The Delegations Framework comprises:

(a) powers and functions ensconced in Legislation, including

  • University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld) (the Act)
  • Other relevant legislation

(b) this legislative power is vested in either the Council or the Vice-Chancellor and President.

(c) the Council or the Vice-Chancellor and President may, in accordance with the Act or other relevant legislation, delegate the authority, where it is legally able to be re-assigned or delegated.

(d) the delegation of authorisations are conferred in Instruments of Delegations, such as:

  • formal instruments of specific delegation to senior officers
  • Council codes, policies, procedures and plans
  • terms of reference for Boards or committees
  • formal written agreements
  • other instruments as Council sees fit (including the University’s Delegations Manual and Schedules).

(e) delegation may be for a specific occasion or on a continuing basis. All continuing Instruments of Delegations must be recorded in the University’s Delegation Manual and Schedules.

(f) the University’s Delegations Manual and Schedules are the official records of any functions, duties or powers that have been delegated by the Council, Vice-Chancellor and President or under the Act or other relevant legislation, to a position, committee or entity, and will identify the source document to which the delegation relates (being the Act, policy, procedures or so forth).

5.2. Authorities and responsibilities

5.2.1 Council gives authority to the Director, Governance and Risk Management to maintain the Delegations Manual and Schedules.

5.2.2 Regarding the UniSC Financial Management Schedule, Council gives authority:

(a) to the Vice-Chancellor and President to amend the Schedule for sub-delegations up to and including A$500,000;

(b) to the Chief Financial Officer to amend the Schedule for sub-delegations up to and including A$100,000; and

(c) to the Chief Financial Officer to maintain the Schedule.

5.2.3 From the date approved by the Council, this policy and the supporting Delegations Schedules will supersede and revoke all previous delegations of authority. Acts performed under previous delegations of authority are not invalidated by this policy and the supporting Delegations Manual and Schedules.

5.3. Review

5.3.1 The Director, Governance and Risk Management is to review the policy and make available to Council the related Delegations Manual and Schedules at least every 12 months.

6. Authorities/Responsibilities

6. The following authorities/responsibilities are delegated under this policy:


University Officer/Committee

Maintain the Delegations Manual and Schedules

Director, Governance and Risk Management

Review the Delegations Framework – Governing Policy and make available to Council the related Delegations Manual and Schedules at least every 12 months.

Director, Governance and Risk Management

Amend the UniSC Financial Management Schedule for sub-delegations up to and including A$500,000

Vice-Chancellor and President

Amend the UniSC Financial Management Schedule for sub-delegations up to and including A$100,000

Chief Financial Officer

Maintain the UniSC Financial Management Schedule

Chief Financial Officer


Delegations Manual and Schedules (staff access only)