New PTSD treatment study | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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New PTSD treatment study

Are you living with PTSD or the impacts of trauma? The National PTSD Research Centre at UniSC's Thompson Institute is recruiting participants for a study of a new treatment for PTSD.

Led by Professor Alain Brunet, this study focuses on Reconsolidation Therapy—a treatment designed to help the brain update traumatic memories by reducing their emotional impact.

What's involved

  • Participants: Adults aged 18+ with diagnoses or suspected PTSD
  • Duration: a six-week program with comprehensive assessments before and after
  • The treatment: safe and non-invasive, it includes a medication to help your brain process and update trauma-related memories

Interested in joining?

A written referral from a medical professional will be required to participate.

For more information or to see if you are eligible, contact us today.

Why this study is important

We are exploring how this novel therapy can reduce PTSD symptoms and improve the lives of those affected by trauma. Participants will be helping advance research that could change the future of PTSD treatment.