Government loans and assistance | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Government loans and assistance

Support from the Australian Government can help you fund your study dreams, making cost less of a barrier. Explore options to finance your study with government support.

Commonwealth Supported Places

You can apply for a subsidised place at University, called a Commonwealth Supported Place.

Many students are eligible and the government pays a large contribution towards your tuition fees.

The reduced amount is called your student contribution.

HELP Loans

You may be eligible for a loan from the Australian Government to help you pay your up-front tuition fees.

This is called a HELP Loan.

These loans can help you defer your fees and pay later, when you are earning more.

They include:

  • HECS-HELP loans - for Commonwealth Supported Places
  • FEE-HELP loans - for fee paying students
  • SA-HELP loans - assistance to cover the Student Services and Amenities Fee, and
  • OS-HELP loans - for Commonwealth Supported Place students travelling overseas

Refer to StudyAssist for further information for Commonwealth supported students.

Government financial support for study and living

You may be eligible for payments and services from the government while you are studying.

Explore the many options available to you through Services Australia.

The Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) is financial support from the Australian Government. It helps students cover the costs associated with mandatory placements required in nursing, midwifery, social work and teaching programs.

Additional support

USC and generous benefactors offer hundreds of scholarships and bursaries for students. You don’t need to be a high achiever to apply.

More information

Contact Student Services