Drama | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Major (8)

For a major in Drama, students must successfully complete 8 courses:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
DRA100 Entrepreneurship and Venture Planning
DRA102 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
DRA202 Retail Supply Chain Management and Procurement
DRA206 Supply Chain Sustainability and Risk Management
DRA301 Food Marketing
EGL205 Project Planning

PLUS select 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
CMN200 Acting 1: The actor's craft
DRA204 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre
DRA305 Directing Performance: Contemporary Perspectives

**Note: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts completing the major in Drama are required to complete DRA305 Theatre Internship

Minor (4)

For a minor in Drama, students must successfully complete 4 courses:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
DRA100 Entrepreneurship and Venture Planning
DRA102 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
DRA202 Imagined Homelands: An Exploration of Australian Literature

PLUS select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
DRA206 Introduction to Screenwriting: The Art of Visual Storytelling
EGL205 Project Planning

***Note: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts completing the major in English must select DRA206 Acting 1: The actor's craft