Faculty of Arts and Business Postgraduate elective courses | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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This page was archived on 23 March 2015 and is no longer updated.

Faculty of Arts and Business Postgraduate elective courses

  • Select the relevant course code below for further course information.

  • Please note the elective course lists may change without notice.

Please check your program structure and course pre-requisites as not all of the courses listed are applicable to all programs.

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
ACC506 Environmental and Resource Economics
ACC508 Environmental Chemistry
ACC511 Integrated Environmental Management
ACC512 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ACC520 Biogeography
ACC610 Professional Practice: Legal Frameworks and Issues
ACC611 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
ACC620 Accounting Fundamentals
ACC621 Informatics and Financial Applications
ACC701 Accounting Fundamentals
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
  • Moreton Bay: Not Currently Offered
  • South Bank: Not Currently Offered
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards these Programs)
Anti: MBA705 and MBA717 or EMB755 and EMB767
BUS501 Business Research and Statistics
  • South Bank: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Must be enrolled in a postgraduate program.
BUS502 Principles of Economics for Accountants
  • South Bank: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
BUS503 Principles of Commercial LawNot currently offered12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA709 or EMB759
BUS512 Introduction to Research Concepts and Design
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in any honours program or postgraduate coursework program
BUS513 The Literature Review
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in any honours program or postgraduate coursework program
BUS514 Qualitative Research Methods
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in any honours program or postgraduate coursework program
BUS515 Applied Quantitative Research Methods
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Online: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in any honours program or postgraduate coursework program
Anti: MBA719 or EMB769
BUS702 Economics for Managers
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 2
  • Online: Session 2
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410, SC411, SC425, SC404 or SC405) and 280 units completed towards these Programs)
Anti: MBA708 or EMB758
BUS703 Evidenced Based Decision Making
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 2, Session 6
  • Moreton Bay: Session 2
  • Online: Session 2, Session 6
  • Adelaide: Session 2
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA703 or EMB753
BUS704 Finance and Accounting for Managers
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 2, Session 6
  • Moreton Bay: Session 6
  • Online: Session 2, Session 6
  • Adelaide: Session 6
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA713 or EMB763 or ACC511
BUS705 Innovation Management and Professional Development
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 3, Session 7
  • Moreton Bay: Session 3
  • Online: Session 3, Session 7
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA701 or EMB751
BUS706 International Business Law and Ethics
  • Moreton Bay: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
BUS707 Managing Across Global Cultures
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 7
  • Online: Session 7
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA723 or EMB773
BUS708 International Trade and Finance
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 1, Session 3
  • Online: Session 1, Session 3
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
BUS710 Digital Branding
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 2
  • Online: Session 2
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
HSM701 Issues in Health Sector Management
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 7
  • Moreton Bay: Session 7
  • Online: Session 7
12Pre: Enrolled in any Postgraduate Program.
INF701 Business Transformation through Technology and Artificial Intelligence
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 2
  • Online: Session 2
  • Adelaide: Session 2
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards either of these programs)
MGT701 Leading and Managing Organisations
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 6
  • Moreton Bay: Session 6
  • Online: Session 6
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410, SC411, SC425, SC404 or SC405 and 280 units completed towards these Programs)
Anti: MBA707 or EMB757
MGT702 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 3
  • Online: Session 3
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards this Program)
Anti: MBA710 and MBA725 or EMB760 and EMB775
MGT703 Strategy, Governance and Ethics
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 7
  • Moreton Bay: Session 7
  • Online: Session 7
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA712 or EMB762
MGT704 Sustainable International Business Management
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 6
  • Online: Session 6
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
MGT711 Entrepreneurship and Venture Planning
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA704 or MBA716 or EMB754 or EMB766
MGT712 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
  • South Bank: Not Currently Offered
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA711 and MBA714 or EMB761 and EMB764
MGT723 Research Project
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required
MGT726 Managerial Project
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered, Not Currently Offered
  • South Bank: Not Currently Offered
MGT730 Innovation by Design
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 5, Session 7
  • Online: Session 5, Session 7
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
MGT731 Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 6
  • Online: Session 6
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
MGT735 Retail Supply Chain Management and Procurement
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
MGT737 Supply Chain Management
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards this Program)
MKG701 Marketing in a Global Environment
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 1, Session 3
  • Online: Session 1, Session 3
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: MBA702 and MBA726
MKG721 Food Marketing
  • Online: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
PRM701 Project Management Principles
  • Sunshine Coast: Session 3
  • Online: Session 3
  • Adelaide: Session 3
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards this Program)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
COU700 Expressive Therapies: Counselling with the Creative Arts
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and enrolled in Program AR708
COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR708
COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 and COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 and enrolled in Program AR708
COU703 Internship 1
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and COU709 and COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 and COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 and enrolled in Program AR708
Co: COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702
COU704 Internship 2
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 and COU703
Co: COU705
COU705 Professional Development 2: Grief, Loss and Trauma
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice">COU702 and enrolled in Program AR708
COU706 Counselling Children and Young People
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 and enrolled in Program AR708
COU707 Counselling and Mental Health
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR708
COU708 Counselling and Addictions
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 and COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and enrolled in Program AR708
COU710 Recovery- oriented and evidence based practice
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR520, AR620 or AR630
COU711 Assessment, diagnosis and formulation
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR520, AR620 or AR630
COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice">COU750 Ethics and Reflective Practice
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR708
COU751 Mindfulness-Based Interventions and Group Work
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR708
COU754 Research Project A
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: CMN574, SCS725 or other approved Research Methods course and enrolled in Program AR708
COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling">COU781 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes">COU701 and enrolled in Program AR708
DEV700 International Development and Aid
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: SCS201
DEV701 Development Practice and Evaluation
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
DEV702 International Human Rights, Peace and Conflict, and Environmental Justice
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program
Anti: SCS216
GEO700 Indigenous Peoples and Sustainability
  • Sunshine Coast: Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Enrolled in any Postgraduate Program
PSY700 Advanced and Transcultural Counselling">PSY700 Advanced and Transcultural Counselling
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR507, AR702 or AR703
PSY701 Advanced Psychological Assessment and Reporting">PSY701 Advanced Psychological Assessment and Reporting
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR702 or AR703
PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR507, AR702 or AR703
PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Co: PSY701 Advanced Psychological Assessment and Reporting">PSY701 and PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 and PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705
PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR702 or AR703
PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Co: PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 and enrolled in Program AR702, AR703
PSY706 Practicum Placement 2">PSY706 Practicum Placement 2
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 and enrolled in Program AR703
Co: PSY700 Advanced and Transcultural Counselling">PSY700
PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR703
Co: PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704
PSY750 Ethics and Professional Practice of Psychology
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR702, AR703, XP601 or UP601
PSY751 Clinical Psychological Practice 3
  • Thompson Institute: Semester 1
12Pre: PSY706 Practicum Placement 2">PSY706 and PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 and PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 and enrolled in Program AR703
PSY752 Practicum Placement 3
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: PSY700 Advanced and Transcultural Counselling">PSY700 and PSY701 Advanced Psychological Assessment and Reporting">PSY701 and PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 Clinical Psychological Practice 1">PSY702 and PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 and PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 Clinical Psychological Practice 2">PSY705 and PSY706 Practicum Placement 2">PSY706
Co: PSY751 and PSY750
PSY753 Research Project 2">PSY753 Research Project 2
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
12Pre: PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 and PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707
PSY754 Clinical Health Psychology and Psychopharmacology
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program AR702, AR703, XP601 or UP601
PSY755 Research Project 3
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 and PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 and PSY753 Research Project 2">PSY753 and enrolled in Program AR703
Co: PSY756
PSY756 Research Project 4
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 Advanced Research Design and Methods">PSY704 and PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 Research Project 1">PSY707 and PSY753 Research Project 2">PSY753 and enrolled in Program AR703, XP601 or UP601
Co: PSY755
PSY757 Practicum Placement 4
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
12Pre: PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 Practicum Placement 1">PSY703 and PSY706 Practicum Placement 2">PSY706 and PSY752 and enrolled in Program AR703
SCS725 Advanced Social Research
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in a Postgraduate Program
SCS730 Advanced Social Work Theories for Practice
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1
12Pre: Enrolled in any postgraduate program
SWK700 Master of Social Work Field Education 1
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1, Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1, Semester 2
36Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required. 36 units from Program AR707 (excluding SWK701) and including SWK704
SWK701 Master of Social Work Field Education 2
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1, Semester 2
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1, Semester 2
36Pre: Course Coordinator Consent. SWK700, SWK705 and enrolled in Program AR707
SWK710 Advocacy and Leadership in Social Policy and Legal Contexts
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1
SWK777 Children, Youth and Families: Challenges, Critique and Change
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1
SWK785 Social Work in Health and Mental Health
  • Sunshine Coast: Semester 1
  • Moreton Bay: Semester 1

* Please note: these courses will run subject to minimum enrolment quotas.

The University attempts to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. However, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary program/course information at any time without notice.