Bachelor of Journalism | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Bachelor of Journalism

Make your footprint in the world of news.

Create a name for yourself in media to get published and kick start your career in journalism. Our journalism degree produces journalists with a strong sense of ethics, practical skills in print, broadcast and digital media, and a good writing background to work in any news environment.

Semester 1 or Semester 2
Program length (full-time)
3 years
Semester tuition fee 2015
Estimated total tuition fee *
  • Only a full-time option is available to international students on a Student visa. Online programs are not available to Student visa holders.
  • * Estimated tuition fees are based on 2024 rates. Refer to international fees for more information.
  • Not all majors/minors and elective options are available at every campus. You should refer to the What Can I Study tab, and the proposed study sequence for your chosen campus and intake for further information.
Study location QTAC code
  • Sunshine Coast 011131
Minimum selection threshold
OP - 18 Rank - 61
UniSC program code
Semester 1 or Semester 2
3 years full time or equivalent part time
Recommended prior study
Fee type 2015
  • What will I pay?
Total units

Create a name for yourself in media to get published and kick start your career in journalism. Our journalism degree produces journalists with a strong sense of ethics, practical skills in print, broadcast and digital media, and a good writing background to work in any news environment.

Our teaching staff are industry professionals, and offer you personal attention, learn your strengths and help you grow. Learn to take part in live radio and television news and develop quality print and digital news for local media. You’ll get first-hand experience in the world of news media through your internship. Your internship is organised for you by USC and consists of 20 days in a news agency.

Our graduates have interned at news outlets including ABC Radio Coast FM, Channel 7, WIN, Courier Mail, and the Sunshine Coast Daily. Throughout your program, you’ll build your journalism portfolio and publish stories through the Suncoast Times. You’ll graduate with a portfolio of digital work to land a job in the competitive journalism industry.

Career opportunities

Journalism, photo-journalism, sub-editing, online writing, feature writing, radio journalism, television journalism, video production, sports journalism, travel writing, corporate communications, technical writing, media business, documentary making.

Program structure

Introductory courses (4)

CMN104 Mechanical Design 2
CMN130 Introduction to Economics
CMN150 Applied Microeconomics
COR109 Applied Macroeconomics

Advanced courses (11)

CMN213 Environmental and Resource Economics
CMN214 Trade and Finance in a Global Economy
CMN227 Property Economics
CMN277 Introduction to Media and Communication Industries
CMN228 Introduction to Journalism
CMN235 Visual Journalism
CMN237 Communication and Thought
CMN240 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN249 Investigative and Data Journalism
CMN306 News Rounds(24 units)
CMN330 Radio Journalism

Minor courses (4) ^

Complete a minor (4 courses) from one of the following areas:

e-Media Design
Environmental Health
Graphic Design
Health Promotion
Digital Photographic Practice
Politics and International Relations
Public Relations
Sports Studies

^ Students undertaking the Bachelor of Journalism as part of the Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Journalism are not required to complete a minor.

Elective courses (4)

Select 4 elective courses, from either faculty (Arts and Business or Science, Health, Education and Engineering).

Total units: 288

Program requirements and notes

Program requirements

In order to graduate you must:

  • Complete 4 required introductory level (100 coded) courses.
  • Complete 11 required advanced level (200/300 coded) courses.
  • Complete a minimum of 1 minor (4 courses).
  • Complete 4 elective courses.
  • Complete no more than 10 introductory level (100 coded) courses, including the core course.
  • Register any selected Majors or Minors with your Faculty.
Program notes
  • Courses within this program are assessed using a variety of assessment methods including essays, seminar presentations, reports, in-class tests and examinations. Not all courses will necessarily include all methods.
  • Some required introductory courses may count towards some minors.
  • As part of your USC program, you may apply to Study Overseas to undertake courses with an overseas higher education provider. It is advisable to contact your Faculty Program Advisor to discuss timing and course issues.
  • Only a full-time study option is available to international students on a Student Visa.
  • When enrolling, refer to the Study Plan.