(Online) Trimester 2 commencement | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Online) Trimester 2 commencement

Year 1
Trimester 2
CourseSemester of offer
SEC601 Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC509, SC517, BU708 or SC705
SEC602 Ethics in Digital Investigation and Cyber Security
  • Trimester 1, Trimester 2, Trimester 3
12Pre: Enrolled in Program SC509, SC517, SC705, BU708, ED508 or ED705
Trimester 1
CourseSemester of offer
SEC603 Introduction to Device & Network Security
  • Trimester 1, Trimester 2
12Pre: SEC601 and Enrolled in Program SC509, SC517, SC705 or BU708
SEC604 Cryptography, Blockchain and Security
  • Trimester 1, Trimester 2
12Pre: SEC601 and Enrolled in SC509, SC705, SC517 or BU708