Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories |
| 12 | |
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services |
| 12 | Anti: SCS172 or SCS272 |
SWK200 Social Work Practice in Various Organisational Settings |
| 12 | Anti: SWK402 |
SWK201 Human Services Placement 1 |
| 24 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent and 96 units including SWK100 in Program AR372 or AR303. Co: SWK278 Anti: SCS273 |
SWK202 Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing |
| 12 | Anti: (SCS285 or SWK266) or SWK285 |
SWK251 Working with First Nations Peoples and Multicultural Communities |
| 12 | Anti: SCS251 |
SWK277 Working With Children, Youth and Families |
| 12 | Anti: SCS277 |
SWK278 Ethics, Law and the Helping Professions |
| 12 | Anti: SCS278 |
SWK285 Health & Mental Health in Australia |
| 12 | |
SWK286 Disability: Culture, Community and Change |
| 12 | Anti: SCS286 |
SWK300 Social Work Field Education 1 |
| 36 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent and completed 192 units in Program AR362 or AR363 and SWK277 and SWK278. Co: SWK304 Anti: SWK301 |
SWK301 Social Work Field Education 1 |
| 48 | Pre: 16 courses including (SCS172 or SWK172 or SCS272) and (SCS277 or SWK277) and (SCS278 or SWK278) and enrolled in Program AR362 or AR363 |
SWK302 Community Development and Social Action |
| 12 | |
SWK303 Complexity and Social Work: Group-Based Approaches |
| 12 | Pre: SWK172 or SCS272 or SCS172 or SCS180 or SCS280 |
SWK304 Direct Practice 1 |
| 12 | Pre: 132 units and SWK278 and enrolled in program AR362 or AR363 |
SWK305 Human Services Placement 2 |
| 24 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent. Enrolled in Program AR372 or AR303 and completed 192 units in these Programs Anti: SCS274 |
SWK306 Direct Practice 2 |
| 12 | Pre: SWK301 or (SWK300 and SWK304) |
SWK307 International Studies in Social Work |
| 12 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required |
SWK400 Social Work Field Education 2 |
| 36 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and (SWK301 or SWK300) and SWK306 Anti: SWK404 |
SWK401 Critical Social Policy Analysis |
| 12 | Pre: (SCS235 and (SWK300 or SWK301)) OR (SWK300 or SWK301 and enrolled in AR363) |
SWK402 Organisational Contexts for Social Work Practice |
| 12 | Pre: (SWK301 and enrolled in Program AR362 or AR363) or AR707 Anti: SWK200 |
SWK404 Social Work Field Education 2 |
| 48 | Pre: SWK301 and enrolled in Program AR362 or AR363 Anti: SWK400 |
SWK407 Context Responsive Social Work Practice |
| 12 | Pre: SWK201 or SWK301 or SWK300 and enrolled in Program AR303, AR362, AR363 or AR372 |
SWK700 Master of Social Work Field Education 1 |
| 36 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required. 36 units from Program AR707 (excluding SWK701) and including SWK704 |
SWK701 Master of Social Work Field Education 2 |
| 36 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent. SWK700, SWK705 and enrolled in Program AR707 |
SWK703 Introduction to Social Work |
| 12 | |
SWK704 Advanced Direct Practice 1 |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
SWK705 Advanced Direct Practice 2 |
| 12 | Pre: SWK700 |
SWK706 International and Global Social Work |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
SWK708 Engaging and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples |
| 12 | |
SWK710 Advocacy and Leadership in Social Policy and Legal Contexts |
| 12 | |
SWK777 Children, Youth and Families: Challenges, Critique and Change |
| 12 | |
SWK785 Social Work in Health and Mental Health |
| 12 |