MID704 Midwifery leadership, governance and mentorship | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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MID704 Midwifery leadership, governance and mentorship

This course provides you with the opportunity to further develop communication and decision-making skills relevant to clinical practice. Contemporary models and frameworks for midwifery leadership, governance, education, and the role of the mentor are critically explored and analysed. Concepts, issues and challenges and their impact on midwifery practice within the national and global context of midwifery and relevant regulatory and professional standards and codes as set by organisations will be examined. You will undertake clinical experience in a variety of clinical settings (80 hours) and continuation of continuity of care experiences (CoCE).

Course detail

Semester of offer Subject to change
  • Online: Session 7
Tuition fee
3.1:Nursing, Midwifery, Foreign Languages
Census date
Academic Calendar
Class timetable
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Course outline

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