Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
MGT130 Managing Supply Chains |
| 12 | |
MGT233 Managing Retail Operations |
| 12 | |
MGT310 Managing the Small Business |
| 12 | Pre: BUS104 |
MGT325 Managing Quality |
| 12 | Pre: BUS104 |
MGT326 Supply Chain Management |
| 12 | |
MGT5000 Managing Organisation Behaviour | Not currently offered | 12 | |
MGT701 Leading and Managing Organisations |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410, SC411, SC425, SC404 or SC405 and 280 units completed towards these Programs) Anti: MBA707 or EMB757 |
MGT702 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards this Program) Anti: MBA710 and MBA725 or EMB760 and EMB775 |
MGT703 Strategy, Governance and Ethics |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program Anti: MBA712 or EMB762 |
MGT704 Sustainable International Business Management |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
MGT711 Entrepreneurship and Venture Planning |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program Anti: MBA704 or MBA716 or EMB754 or EMB766 |
MGT712 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program Anti: MBA711 and MBA714 or EMB761 and EMB764 |
MGT721 Research Project |
| 24 | Pre: BUS703 and enrolled in any PGRD Program and permission required for enrolment – please contact your Faculty Office. |
MGT723 Research Project |
| 12 | Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required |
MGT726 Managerial Project |
| 12 | |
MGT730 Innovation by Design |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
MGT731 Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
MGT735 Retail Supply Chain Management and Procurement |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program |
MGT737 Supply Chain Management |
| 12 | Pre: Enrolled in any PGRD Program or (enrolled in Program SC410 or SC411 and 280 units completed towards this Program) |