Dietary intake methodology in the Pacific Islands | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Dietary intake methodology in the Pacific Islands

ACPIR Summer Research Scholarship recipient Jasmin Groves worked on a scoping review into different dietary assessment methods used in the Pacific Islands. Jasmin shares some insights to her contribution to the team effort that started about four years ago.
"Understanding dietary intake is the first step in considering future research or public health action, thus this research into how dietary intake information is collected is highly relevant," Jasmin said.
"We completed a new literature search to include articles from the last year, and have now entirely finished the screening and data extraction for all texts.
Recently, we have been discussing how we will present our findings, and I have also been involved in the grey literature search.
My research has given me a more practical understanding of different dietary assessment methods. It has also allowed me to develop my skills on understanding and evaluating scholarly texts, and creating search strategies, which will undoubtedly help in the next two years of my degree. I thank ACPIR again for this amazing opportunity."

Learn more about the project.