Nursing - Clinical Placement | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Nursing - Clinical Placement

Please note there are mandatory requirements you must complete before you are eligible for clinical placement. If you do not fulfil the mandatory requirements and upload evidence to your Sonia Online account, your clinical placement will be delayed or cancelled. Click on Mandatory Checks tab.

Clinical placement

Throughout the Bachelor of Nursing Science program students must undertake a certain number of hours of work integrated learning / clinical placement, as specified by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council.

Inherent Academic Requirements (IARs) ensure the academic integrity of a program is maintained and preserves the University's learning, assessment and accreditation processes. They must be met by all students.

NOTE: Clinical Placements will involve shift work on any day of the week including weekends and public holidays. Students will be expected to work allocated shifts, including quick shift changes whereby you only have 8 hours break in-between. It is not possible to modify shift patterns to suit employment or other personal needs. Placement will impact on students being able to work and this must be considered in their planning.

Clinical placement opportunities

The School of Health works closely with health partners to provide students with professionally relevant work integrated learning experiences for clinical courses. Placements can be from Fraser Coast to Brisbane in public and private facilities depending on availability. There are limited opportunities for students interested in regional or remote placements. Students are responsible for all parking, travel and associated costs. Scholarships are often available.

The University of the Sunshine Coast uses three models of supervising for clinical courses. These differ according to the placement and are also dependent on the contractual arrangement with the placement providers. Some placements use a Clinical Facilitator, an RN Buddy and some use Preceptors.

Placement essentials (Mandatory Checks)

To be eligible to commence placement, students must complete Mandatory Checks. A list of the mandatory requirements is available on the Sonia Online homepage.

NOTE: Some of the Mandatory Checks can take 6 months to obtain. Students are strongly advised to commence working on obtaining their specific mandatories as soon as they have accepted their offer. International students will need to access Australian General Practitioners to be compliant.

Routinely your placement will be arranged in a block of consecutive weeks. Students will be notified when they are scheduled to attend placement 10 weeks prior. All of the mandatory requirements will need to be fulfilled and evidence uploaded to your Sonia Online account.

Required placement hours

For successful completion of the Bachelor of Nursing Science and Bachelor of Nursing Science (GE) 800 nursing clinical placement hours must be completed to be eligible for registration with AHPRA.

Learning assessment

While on placement, assessment is an essential part of the education and evaluation process. It promotes learning, measures student progress and improves student performance. Assessment also provides an official record of students' learning achievements and provides access to other courses.

Assessment during clinical placement will be based on the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice .The School of Health have adopted ANSAT tools for clinical assessment.

Remuneration and insurance

No remuneration or payment is made by placement organisations to the students or to the University for hosting the student. Students undertaking an approved placement are covered by the University's insurance policies.

Contact us

Once you have enrolled, the Clinical Placement Office (CPO) can assist you in your preparations and requirements for clinical placement. The CPO is also responsible for allocating you to your placement areas.

Clinical Placement Administrator
School of Health

UniSC Sunshine Coast: H1.G.66
Tel: +61 7 5456 5005
NURSING email:

For all other general student enquiries please contact Student Central.

For further nursing course information visit:

Bachelor of Nursing Science
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Nursing Science: Graduate Entry