Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman

Lyndon Davis
Djagan Yaman

28 May—6 August 2022

This was the first major solo exhibition of Lyndon Davis (Kabi Kabi).

Davis is an internationally acclaimed artist, educator and cultural performer. Born and raised on the Sunshine Coast, Davis' arts practice represents his deep connection to Country. Most recently, Davis has been making work that visualises the calls of different species on Kabi Kabi Country using cymatics, the science of visualising acoustic energy or sound.

The exhibition brought together painting, objects, moving image and sound to consider the way Davis’ practice is grounded in communicating the importance of custodianship and caring for Country.

Installation view of Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman at UniSC Art Gallery. Photo: Carl Warner.

Opening event
3pm, Saturday 28 May 2022

NAIDOC Week: Lyndon Davis artist talk
2pm, Tuesday 5 July 2022
Free, no bookings required

Cymatics workshop with Lyndon Davis
11am, Monday 18 July 2022
Free, no bookings required

Yarning circle with Lyndon Davis
10am, Saturday 6 August 2022

Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised this film contains the names and voices of people who have passed.

Commissioned by the University of the Sunshine Coast Art Gallery for Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman
Filmmaker: Timothy Birch
Canoe sound recording: Leah Barclay
Made on the lands of the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) people