Report a health and safety incident | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Report a health and safety incident

Report an injury, incident, near-miss or hazard online

Injury, illness and near miss:

Please click on the person injured or impacted by the incident or near miss:

Safety hazards

A hazard is something that has the potential to cause an injury or illness (hazards directly involving UniSC events/activity or associated with UniSC controlled sites/campuses)

Reporting allows for appropriate action to be considered to address situations when an object, process or situation has, caused an injury or illness (incident), nearly caused an injury or illness (near miss) or has the potential to cause an injury or illness (hazard).

All incidents should be reported to your supervisor, manager or UniSC contact person immediately. An incident report should be submitted as soon as practicable (ideally within 48 hours).

First aid and campus safety

SafeUSC community officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for emergency response, first aid, safety escorts and personal safety.

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