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The following publications, authored by members of the Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit, contribute to enhancing knowledge and practice in the sexual violence and abuse field.


Brown, S. J. (2024). Assessing the risk of users of child sexual exploitation material committing further offences: a scoping review. The Journal of Sexual Aggression30(1), 1–24.

Christensen, L. S., & Woods, J. (2024). “It’s Like POOF and It’s Gone”: The Live-Streaming of Child Sexual Abuse. Sexuality & Culture28(4), 1467–1481.

Christensen, L. S., Rayment-McHugh, S., McKillop, N., Hull, I., & Price, S. (2024). Webinars and workshops as professional development tools to upskill frontline workers in identifying and responding to harmful sexual behaviours. Child Protection and Practice2.

Christensen, L.S., Woods, J. (2024).The Underexplored Topic of Females who Perpetrate Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenses: What do we know about this Offending Group?. Sexuality & Culture.

Innes, S. L., & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2024). It’s More Than a Matter of Trust: What Parents and Young Children Need to Know to Prevent Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse33(1), 43–64.

Labhardt, D., Brown, S., Holdsworth, E., McKillop, N., Howat, D. J., & Jones, C. (2024). UK and Australian University Students’ Perceptions of the Nature of Sexual Assault and Intervening Behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence39(9–10), 1952–1975.

Lee, M., McKillop, N., & Moir, E. (2024). A Scoping Review of Sexual Violence Events Perpetrated Against Older People. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 15248380241265387-.

Lee, M., Moir, E., & McKillop, N. (2024). Public views of sexual assault, and its prevention, in residential aged care facilities. Journal of Criminology (2021)57(1), 23–44.

Price, S., Prenzler, T., Rayment-McHugh, S., & McKillop, N. (2024). A review of restorative justice programmes for First Nations Peoples in Queensland. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 

Priebe, B., Christensen, L. S., McKillop, N., & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2024). “We need help too”: establishing client and practitioner demand for responsive programs for women sentenced for child sexual abuse in Australia. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation63(7), 401–420.

Priebe, B., Rayment-McHugh, S., McKillop, N., & Christensen, L. S. (2024). What Women Want: Program Design for Females Sentenced for Child Sexual Abuse. Victims & Offenders, 1–21.

Rayment‐McHugh, S., McKillop, N., Adams, D., Higgins, D. J., & Russell, D. H. (2024). Context matters: Conceptualising and operationalising the contextual prevention of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review (Chichester, England : 1992)33(1).

Rundle-Thiele, S., Willmott, T. J., McKillop, N., Saleme Ruiz, P., & Kitunen, A. (2024). Young Voices United: co-designing a place-based youth-led sexual and violence abuse prevention approach for one Australian community. Safer Communities23(4), 245–264.

Sánchez de Ribera, O., Christensen, L. S., Trajtenberg, N., & Hudson, K. (2024). Public Perceptions Toward Community Management Policies for Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse25(2), 1248–1264.

Thomsen, L., Thompson, C., Ogilvie, J., McKillop, N., Hurren, E., Molnar, T., & Allard, T. (2024). Child Sexual Abuse Victimization Amongst Detained Adolescents and Incarcerated Young Adults: Findings from an Australian Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1–20. 


Allen, A., Katsikitis, Mary., Millear, P., McKillop, N. (2023). Implications of sexual fantasy characteristics and memory intensity for harmful sexual behaviour. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health.

Allen, A., McKillop, N., Katsikitis, N., & Millear, P. (2023). The effects of bilateral stimulation using eye movements on sexual fantasies with follow-up. Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 79, 1-9. http://10.1016/j.jbtep.2022.101826  

Allen, A., Millear, P., McKillop, N., & Katsikitis, M. (2023). Sexual Fantasies and Harmful Sexual Interests: Exploring Differences in Sexual Memory Intensity and Sexual Fantasy Characteristics. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology67(8), 835–860.

Allen, A., Millear, P., McKillop, N., & Katsikitis, M. (2023). Sexual Fantasies and Harmful Sexual Interests: Exploring Differences in Sexual Memory Intensity and Sexual Fantasy Characteristics. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology67(8), 835–860.

Bradbury-Leather, V., & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2023). Decolonising practice: ‘doing’ contextual safeguarding with an ethics of care. In. C. Firmin & J. Lloyd (Eds). Contextual Safeguarding: The next chapter. Bristol University Press: UK.

Brown, S. J., Khasteganan, N., Brown, K., Hegarty, K., Carter, G. J., Tarzia, L., Feder, G., & O’Doherty, L. (2019). Psychosocial interventions for survivors of rape and sexual assault experienced during adulthood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2019(11).

Christensen, L.S. (2023). Exploring the uncomfortable topic of women who engage in child sexual abuse material offenses: How are they represented in the media. Sexualities. http://doi/org/10.1177/13634607231201723 

Christensen, L.S., & Vickery, N. (2023). The characteristics of virtual child sexual abuse material offenders and the harms of offending: A qualitative content analysis of print media. Sexuality & Culture , 1–15. 

Lee, M., Moir, E., & McKillop, N. (2023). Public Views of Sexual Assault, and its Prevention, in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Journal of Criminology. Online First: 

McKillop, N., & Price, S. (2023). The Potential for Anti-Stigma Interventions to Change Public Attitudes Toward Minor-Attracted Persons: A Replication and Extension of Jara and Jeglic’s Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse32(6), 694–714.

Molnar, T., Rynne, J., Allard, T., & McKillop, N. (2023). Ecosystemic and Situational Determinants in the Onset of Youth-Perpetrated Sexual Offending. Youth & Society55(6), 1079–1097.

Ogilvie, J. M., McKillop, N., Cale, J., Allard, T., Rynne, J., & Smallbone, S. (2024). Assessing the Effectiveness of a Specialized, Field-Based Treatment Program for Youth Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses in an Australian Jurisdiction. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology68(15), 1540–1557.

Prenzler, T., McKillop, N., Rayment-McHugh, S., & Christensen, L.S. (2023). Best practice in sexual offender rehabilitation and reintegration programs; Invited Paper. Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice.

Price, S., Prenzler, T., McKillop, N., & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2023). Restorative justice as diversion for adult offenders in Queensland, 1990–2021. Queensland Review (St. Lucia)29(2), 107–119.

Rayment-McHugh, S. (2023). Understanding concentrations of sexual violence and abuse: A new theory. Violence Against Women.

Sánchez de Ribera, O., Christensen, L.S., Trajtenberg, N., & Hudson, K. (2023). Public perceptions toward community management policies for individuals convicted of sexual offenses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. 


Allen, A., Millier, P., Katsikitis, M. & McKillop, N. (2022). Sexual Fantasies and Harmful Sexual Interests: Exploring Differences in Sexual Memory Intensity and Sexual Fantasy Characteristics. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Christensen, L., Pearson, A., & Moritz, D. (2022). Virtual child sexual abuse material depicts fictitious children – but can be used to disguise real abuse. The Conversation.

Christensen, L.S., & Pollard, K. (2022). Room for improvement: How does the media portray child sexual abuse material offenders? Sexuality & Culture, 26 (4) 1326-1338

Christensen, L.S., Rayment-McHugh, S., McKillop, N., Cairns, N., & Webster, J. (2022). Understanding what works in the police management of child sex offenders in the community. The Police Journal, 95(3), 508-536. 

Christensen, L.S., Sánchez de Ribera, O., Trajtenberg, N. (2022). A systematic review of professionals’ views about community management policies for individuals convicted of sexual offenses. Sexual Abuse, 34 (2), 127-156. http://10.1177/10790632211000369  

Lockitch, J., Rayment-McHugh, S., & McKillop, N. (2022). Why Didn't They Intervene? Examining the Role of Guardianship in Preventing Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 31 (6),  649-671. http://10.1080/10538712.2022.2133042

McKillop, N., & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2022). Looking Back to Move Forward: The history of Stop It Now! to inform future directions. University of the Sunshine Coast.

McKillop, N., Hine, L., Rayment-McHugh, S., Prenzler, T., Christensen, L.S., Hine, L., & Belton, E. (2022). Effectiveness of sexual offender treatment and reintegration programs: Does composition and sequencing matter? Journal of Criminology.

Molnar, T., Allard, T., McKillop, N., & Rynne, J. (2022). Reliability and Predictive Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II in an Australian Context. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66 (10-11), 1051-1070.

Molnar,T.,  Rynne, J., Allard, T., & McKillop, N. (2022). Ecosystemic and Situational Determinants in the Onset of Youth-Perpetrated Sexual Offending. Youth and Society.

Rayment-McHugh, S., Belton, E., McKillop, N., Christensen, L.S., Prenzler, T., & Hine, L. (2022). Beyond 'what works': implementing sex offender treatment programs in the 'real world’. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 

Rayment-McHugh, S., Adams, D., & McKillop, N. (2022). Introducing a contextual lens to assessment and interventions for young people who engage in harmful sexual behaviour: An Australian case study. Journal of Children’s Services, 17(3), 192-204. http://10.1108/JCS-06-2021-0024  



Christensen, L.S., Moritz, D. & Pearson, A. (2021). Psychological Perspectives of Virtual Child Sexual Abuse Material. Sexuality & Culture. doi: 10.1007/s12119-021-09820-1 

Christensen, L.S., Rayment-McHugh, S., Prenzler, T., Chiu, Y-N., & Webster, J. (2021). The theory and evidence behind law enforcement strategies that combat child sexual abuse material. International Journal of Police Science & Management.

Edwards, G., Christensen, L.S., Rayment-McHugh, S., & Jones, C. (2021). Cyber strategies used to combat child sexual abuse material. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice.

Molnar, T., McKillop, N., Allard, T. Rynne, J. , & Adams, D. (2021). Patterns of Rearrest for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and Non-Indigenous Youth Who Have Sexually Harmed. Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice




Allen, A., Katsikitis, M., Millear, P., & McKillop, N. (2020). Psychological Interventions for Sexual Fantasies and Implications for Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 55, 1-8. Published Online first,

Brown, S. (2020). Key messages from research on child sexual abuse perpetrated by adults. Centre of Expertise in Child Sexual Abuse. Available for download here.

Brown, S. (2020). ‘What Do We Know About the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children? Implications for Research and Practice’. In S. Kewley & C. Barlow (Eds). Preventing Sexual Violence: Problems and Possibilities. Bristol University Press. ISBN: 978-1529203769

Brown, S. J., Khasteganan, N., Carter, G. J., Brown, K., Caswell, R. J., Howarth, E., Feder, G., & O’Doherty, L. (2020). Survivor, family and professional perspectives of psychosocial interventions for sexual abuse and violence: A qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 6. Art. No.: CD013648. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD013648/full.

Brown,  S.J., Khasteganan  N, Brown  K, Hegarty  K, Carter  GJ, Tarzia  L, Feder  G, O'Doherty  L (2019). Psychosocial interventions for survivors of rape and sexual assault experienced during adulthood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD013456. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013456.

Christensen, L.S., & Tsagaris, G. (2020). Offenders convicted of child sexual exploitation material offences: Characteristics of offenders and an exploration of judicial censure. Psychiatry, Psychology & Law.

Darling, A., & Christensen, L.S. (2020). Female Child Sexual Offenders. In Bryce, I., & Petherick, W., Child Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact and Management. US: Academic Press/Elsevier

Damiris, I., McKillop, N., Christensen, L., Rayment-McHugh, S., Burton, K., & Patterson, T. (2020). Gendered judicial discourse in the sentencing of sexual offenders: a new explanatory model, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, DOI: 10.1080/10345329.2020.1837716

Moritz, D., & Christensen, L.S. (2020). When sexting conflicts with child sexual abuse material: The legal and social consequences for children. Psychiatry, Psychology & Law. doi:10.1080/13218719.2020.1742242.

Osbourne, M.G., & Christensen, L.S. (2020). Pathways to child sexual offending: Appling Ward and Siegert’s Pathways Model on offenders convicted of penetrative offences on children. Sexuality & Culture. doi: 10.1007/s12119-020-09718-4

Rayment-McHugh, S. (2020). The uneven distribution of child sexual abuse. In. Bryce, I., & Petherick, W. (Eds). Childhood Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact and Management. US: Academic Press/Elsevier

Sánchez de Ribera, O., Trajtenberg, N., & Christensen, L.S. (2020). A systematic review of reviews of child sexual abuse interventions using the AMSTAR-2 quality assessment tool. Child Abuse & Neglect. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104463


Adams, D., McKillop, N., McGrath, A & Smallbone, S. (2019). Developmental and sexual offense onset characteristics of Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous male youth who sexually offend. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. Online first:

Christensen, L.S., & Darling, A. (2019). Sexual abuse by educators: A comparison between male and female teachers who sexually abuse students. Journal of Sexual Aggression. Online first:

Christensen, L.S. & Jansen, K. (2019). Gender comparisons of offenders: Males and females who sexually offend against children. In I. Bryce, Y. Robinson, W. Petherick, W. Child Abuse and Neglect: Forensic issues in evidence, impact and Management. Elsevier

McKillop N., Rayment-McHugh S., Smallbone S. & Bromham, Z.(2019). Part B - Chapter 4; Understanding and preventing the onset of child sexual abuse in adolescence and adulthood In Phelan M (Ed). Crime & Justice Research 2019. Special reports. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Patterson, T., Hobbs, L., McKillop,N. & Burton, K. (2019). Disparities in police proceedings and court sentencing for females versus males who commit sexual offences in New Zealand. Journal of Sexual Aggression: An International, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice. DOI:


Christensen, L.S. (2018). Professionals’ perceptions of female child sexual offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advanced online publication.

Christensen, L. S. (2018). The New Portrayal of Female Child Sexual Offenders in the Print Media: A Qualitative Content Analysis. Sexuality & Culture, 22(1), 176-189.

McKillop N., Rayment-McHugh S., Smallbone S. & Bromham Z. (2018). Understanding and preventing the onset of child sexual abuse in adolescence and adulthood. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 554. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.


Allard, T., Rayment-McHugh, S., Adams, D., Smallbone, S. & McKillop, N. (2016). Responding to youth sexual offending: A field-based practice model that ‘closes the gap’ on sexual recidivism among Indigenous and non-Indigenous males. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 22(1), 82-94.

Baker, M. & McKillop, N. (2017). ‘Offender management and rehabilitation’. In T. Prenzler (Ed). Understanding Crime Prevention: The Case Study Approach (pp. 27-44). Australian Academic Press.

Brown, S.J., Tramontano, C., McKillop, N., Smallbone, S.W. & Wortley, R. (2017). Sex offenders’ perceptions of the police influence their perceptions of the courts. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 

Cale, J., Smallbone, S., Rayment-McHugh, S. & Dowling, C. (2016). Offence trajectories, the unfolding of sexual and non-sexual criminal activity and sex offence characteristics of adolescent sex offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 28(8), 791-812.

Christensen, L.S. (2017). Child sex offenders: The psychology of offending. In W. Petherick & G. Sinnamon (Ed.), The Psychology of Criminal And Antisocial Behavior. California: Elsevier Inc.

Christensen, L.S. (2017). Victims of child sexual abuse: The psychology of victims. In W. Petherick & G. Sinnamon (Ed.), The Psychology of Criminal And Antisocial Behavior. California: Elsevier Inc.

Christensen, L.S., Sharman, S. & Powell, M. (2016). Identifying the characteristics of child sexual abuse cases that exit the criminal justice system before the forensic interview. Policing: An International Journal of Police Science & Management, 18, 104-111. doi: 10.1177/1461355716641973

Christensen, L. S., Sharman, S.J. & Powell, M. B. (2016). Identifying the characteristics of child sexual abuse cases associated with the child or child's parents withdrawing the complaint. Child Abuse & Neglect, 57, 53-60.

Christensen, L.S., Sharman, S. & Powell, M. (2015). Professionals' views on child sexual abuse attrition rates. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 22, 542-558. doi:10.1080/13218719.2014.960036

McKillop, N., Brown, S.J., Johnson, I., Smallbone, S.W. & Ogilvie, J. (2017). Can systemic interventions designed to reduce reoffending by boys also reduce their victimization? Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10(1), 41-50.

McKillop, N., Brown, S., Smallbone, S. & Wortley, R. (2015). Sexual offenders’ parental and adult attachments and preference/es for therapists’ interpersonal qualities. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 22(2), 177-191.

McKillop, N., Brown, S., Wortley, R. & Smallbone, S. (2015). How victim age affects the context and timing of child sexual abuse: applying routine activities approach to the first sexual abuse incident. Crime Science: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4 (17):

McKillop, N., Brown, S., Smallbone, S. & Pritchard, K. (2015). Similarities and differences in adolescence-onset versus adulthood-onset sexual abuse incidents. Child Abuse and Neglect, 46, 37-46. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.02.014

McKillop, N., Smallbone, S. & Wortley, R. (2014). Predicting single victim versus multiple victim child-sex offending: An examination of distal and proximal factors associated with the first sexual offence incident. Published online before print in Journal of Sexual Aggression: An International, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice,

McKillop, N., Smallbone, S., Wortley, R. & Andjic, I. (2012). Offenders' attachment and sexual abuse onset: A test of theoretical propositions. Sexual Abuse: A journal of Research and Treatment, 24 (6), 591-610.

Rayment-McHugh, S., Smallbone, S. & Tilley, N. (2015). Endemic Sexual Violence and Abuse: Contexts and Dispositions. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 4(2), 111-124.

Rayment-McHugh, S., Adams, D., Wortley, R., & Tilley, N. (2015). ‘Think Global Act Local’: A place based approach to sexual abuse prevention. Crime Science, 4, 22.

Ronken, C. & McKillop, N. (2008). Building generations: A strengths-based, solution-focussed parenting program for program for female adult survivors of intrafamilial sexual assault. National Child Protection Clearinghouse Newsletter, 16, (2),14-16.

Scholes, L., Jones, C.M. & Nagel M. (2014) Boys and CSA Prevention: Issues Surrounding Gender and Approaches for Prevention, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(11), 1-15

Scholes, L., Jones C.M., Stieler-Hunt, C. & Rolfe B. (2014) Serious games for learning: games-based child sexual abuse prevention in schools, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(9), 934-956

Smallbone, S. & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2017). Sexual Crimes. In. Sidebottom, A., & Tilley, N. (Eds). Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (2nd Edition), Chapter 20. UK: Routledge.

Smallbone, S., & McKillop, N. (2016). 'Preventing child sexual abuse: A place-based approach'. In, Mark Finnane & Yorick Smaal. (Eds). The sexual abuse of children: Recognition and redress. Monash University Press.

Smallbone, S. & McKillop, N. (2015). ‘Evidence-informed approaches to preventing sexual violence and abuse’. In Donnelly, P.D. & Ward, C.L. (Eds). Oxford Textbook in Violence Prevention: Epidemiology, Evidence, and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Smallbone, S. W. & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2013). Preventing Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse: Problems and Solutions in the Australian Context. Australian Psychologist, 48, 3-13.

Smallbone, S.W., Rayment-McHugh, S. & Smith, D. (2013). Preventing Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse in West Cairns and Aurukun: Establishing the scope, dimensions and dynamics of the problem. Griffith University.

Smallbone, S. W., Rayment-McHugh, S. & Smith, D. (2013). Youth Sexual Offending: Context, Good-Enough Lives, and Engaging with a Wider Prevention Agenda. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 8(3-4), 49-54.

Smallbone, S.W., Crissman, B. & Rayment-McHugh, S. (2009). Improving therapeutic engagement with adolescent sexual offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 27(6) 862-877.

Smallbone, S.W., Rayment-McHugh, S., Crissman, B. & Shumack, D. (2008). Treatment with youth who have committed sexual offences: Extending the reach of clinical interventions through collaborative partnerships. Clinical Psychologist, 12(3), 109-116.

Stieler-Hunt, C., Jones, C.M., Rolfe B. & Pozzebon K. (2014) Examining key design decisions involved in developing a serious game for child sexual abuse prevention, Frontiers in Psychology, 5(73)

Tilley, N., Rayment-McHugh, S., Wardell, M., Smallbone, S., Smith, D., Allard, T., Wortley, R., Findlater, D., Stewart, A. & Homel, R. (2014). On being realistic about reducing the prevalence and impacts of youth sexual violence and abuse in two Australian Indigenous communities. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts - Special Issue: Evaluation, 14, 6-27.